Submitted by Goo Goo Dolls on

what a cool place


Beautiful...gorgeous.....wish you were here....

That should be a promo pic like "Abbey Road"!

Looks like fun, I want to go

Must seem nice to be able to comfortably walk down the street without being attacked

Looks beautiful...I wish I was there!

Looks like there's about to be a fight. Baz Luhrman "Romeo & Juliet" style

great architecture for some great guys named Goo! I love you guys!

a little closer for the butt shots please. stop teasing.

Very nice!!

beautiful, just beautiful and the city aint bad either

Reminds me of Reservoir Dogs - but in reverse...

This was taken just after they all went to confession. They were told to all do three Hail Mary's and one Hail the Cab.

i like this walkway--very cool!

btw...god bless you guys!!

  • btw...god bless you guys!!

  • i like this walkway--very cool!

  • This was taken just after they all went to confession. They were told to all do three Hail Mary's and one Hail the Cab.

  • Reminds me of Reservoir Dogs - but in reverse...

  • beautiful, just beautiful and the city aint bad either

  • Very nice!!

  • a little closer for the butt shots please. stop teasing.

  • great architecture for some great guys named Goo! I love you guys!

  • Looks like there's about to be a fight. Baz Luhrman "Romeo & Juliet" style

  • Looks beautiful...I wish I was there!

  • Must seem nice to be able to comfortably walk down the street without being attacked

  • Looks like fun, I want to go

  • That should be a promo pic like "Abbey Road"!

  • Beautiful...gorgeous.....wish you were here....

  • Beautiful.

  • what a cool place