Submitted by Goo Goo Dolls on

What ya doing?

I hope you're practicing and planning to play Nothing Is Real! Awesome, awesome song!!!

What's on the screen, gentlemen?

Working on the summer show intro like your tweet said? looking forward to it!

funny out of all you John is the one closest to the computer :) ...Gotta love that .....

Hey guys!!! So much love from France!! Lookin' forward to hearing your new album!!

not so clear on whos who but anywhere the Band is,is somewhere were I'de like to be!


Tue, 07/19/2011 - 09:05

Its my webcam.. sorry about the donkey guys he wasnt feeling well that day :)

Still wondering where the sound is - lol

What would we do without them?

Working Men! :-)

  • Working Men! :-)

  • What would we do without them?

  • Still wondering where the sound is - lol

  • Its my webcam.. sorry about the donkey guys he wasnt feeling well that day :)

  • not so clear on whos who but anywhere the Band is,is somewhere were I'de like to be!

  • Hey guys!!! So much love from France!! Lookin' forward to hearing your new album!!

  • funny out of all you John is the one closest to the computer :) ...Gotta love that .....

  • I got your backs.... Lol

  • Working on the summer show intro like your tweet said? looking forward to it!

  • What's on the screen, gentlemen?

  • I hope you're practicing and planning to play Nothing Is Real! Awesome, awesome song!!!

  • What ya doing?