Submitted by Goo Goo Dolls on

No shit?!?


Sun, 08/27/2006 - 05:54

& the water is where?????cause I don't see any. :o)

Unless of coarse you want "THE BEAVER FEVER"

Bullshit. It's probably just some special water or something.

lol guys :)

Ok Mike don't drink the water! We don't want ya to get sick again! ;)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! That is absolutely fantastic! This is one of my favorite pictures so far I think. I just love how stupid some people can be (not to be rude or anything because we all do it)! Thanks guys!

Robby : I bet that's because of all of the people doing the river dance and peeing in the water.
Mike : Yeah.
John : I swear I'm the only sane person left on this planet!

Eww, i wouldn't even wanna swim in that shit :P

well, you know how those critters piss in it up stream...DUH!

Ewww.... I don't even want to thik about what's in river water.

That water, I'm sure is teamin' with microbes and what not,lookin like sewage and ya know, there's a sign there cause someone tried to drink it, otherwise there would be no sign there. It does not surprise me, but it is sad.

If I drink the river water will I grow hair on my chest?

Now whodahell would drink river water anyway?


Do not drink it My Handsome Johnny boy...I would die if you died!

Obviously this sign was constructed after Rob was seen washing his PEZ off in the river and taking a drink,too, C'mon rob, give the pez a wash somewhere clean!

Where's the water?

Well, its sad to say but you do have to warn some people about everything, cause if you don't, they sue because you didn't warn them about the freakin obvious!

it's the president's shit crick, he's got this entire country up it without paddles!

cmc :)

Must be in Mexico...

if it were from Mexico it would say:
El agua de rio es no bueno para beber... or at least what I can remember from spanish class

  • if it were from Mexico it would say:
    El agua de rio es no bueno para beber... or at least what I can remember from spanish class

  • LMAO

  • Must be in Mexico...

  • LOLOL-funny!
    cmc :)

  • it's the president's shit crick, he's got this entire country up it without paddles!

  • Well, its sad to say but you do have to warn some people about everything, cause if you don't, they sue because you didn't warn them about the freakin obvious!

  • Where's the water?

  • Obviously this sign was constructed after Rob was seen washing his PEZ off in the river and taking a drink,too, C'mon rob, give the pez a wash somewhere clean!

  • Do not drink it My Handsome Johnny boy...I would die if you died!

  • cooool!

  • Now whodahell would drink river water anyway?

  • If I drink the river water will I grow hair on my chest?

  • That water, I'm sure is teamin' with microbes and what not,lookin like sewage and ya know, there's a sign there cause someone tried to drink it, otherwise there would be no sign there. It does not surprise me, but it is sad.

  • UH-OH!

  • Ewww.... I don't even want to thik about what's in river water.

  • well, you know how those critters piss in it up stream...DUH!

  • ewww

  • Eww, i wouldn't even wanna swim in that shit :P

  • Robby : I bet that's because of all of the people doing the river dance and peeing in the water.
    Mike : Yeah.
    John : I swear I'm the only sane person left on this planet!

  • HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! That is absolutely fantastic! This is one of my favorite pictures so far I think. I just love how stupid some people can be (not to be rude or anything because we all do it)! Thanks guys!

  • Ok Mike don't drink the water! We don't want ya to get sick again! ;)

  • lol guys :)

  • Bullshit. It's probably just some special water or something.

  • Unless of coarse you want "THE BEAVER FEVER"

  • & the water is where?????cause I don't see any. :o)

  • No shit?!?