Submitted by Goo Goo Dolls on

You guys always make me smile :)

awwwww...they look soooo cute!!!! Looks like they had fun....can't wait for round two!!!

I'm smiling, but I'm way confused! It looks like they're having fun though and that's all that matters!

I think that's great the guys are having fun..I wish I was there...


Sun, 09/10/2006 - 12:01

what a hoot.. i love these guys!

I Didn't Realize It Was Really Them Until This Pic :) Glad You's Are Having So Much Fun ;)

Well, it sure looks like you had fun at your last summer show!!!
Hope you guys realize all the people you have a positive effect on!!!
Thanks so much for doing what you do, and not taking yourselves too seriously!!!!
This picture is absoulutly hilarious!!!!!!

This is a great pic! I love they can just have fun and play around!

LMAO! Kickass picture, guys! Look at all those empty bottles! You may be having fun now but come morning...the container with the purple lid...that's not Rolaids is it?

ok I hope all the suits were cleaned before you each wore them. Most of those kind of coustumes are really smelly. Oh wait you're all dress to come to my party next month.

aww!!! :) so cute!

ahh the gangs all here!


How freakin' cuuuuute is that?!

what the fuck?!?!? Why did I miss this show???

sadie2edie, I've been asking myself the same question........ but I've missed every show this tour so I'm missing out entirely. I bet last night's show was f*ckin' crazy though!

very cute !

I don't really have a comment, I just can't stop giggling:)

am i just slow? how do you guys seem to know so much...i mean...i didnt know that it was a party until i read the other comments...i mean...where do you guys find this stuff out from?

Well musicmaze, the forum is really very helpful, myspace helps out a lot, and if you're not sure what's going on, ask the other members because they might know. That's what I do anyway.

Aren't you all just the cutest things! Now is this before or after the show?

This is after the show missy.

How cute is this?!?!?!?! I wish I knew what was going on though!!!! :-) :-) Looks like fun to me!!!!

John : I knew one day Brad would make an a$$ out of himself.
Brad : Shut up before I make a pair of shoes and a belt out of you.
Korel : I'm Grrrrreat!
Robby : I suddenly have a craving for bananas.
Mike : I can't find my square pants.
John : Um, sorry Mike, we couldn't find a Sponge Bob outfit.
Mike : Man! That stinks.
Brad : At least you don't have to look like an a$$ all night.
Robby : Yeah, for once he gets to look like something else.
Entire Band : DOH!!!

Did any of you girls attend the dallas concert? I met a fellow fan club member there, but she left so quickly after the goos played that I didn't get to finish our conversation. By the way, the goos rocked! Such amazing energy!

hahaha OMG these guys are too funny! Johny makes a really HOT gator!

  • What? Were you in the I love college video,playing the part of the alligator?

  • U guys..look so cute!john ur the sweetest aligator iv seen...

  • Ok so seriously I had a dream once about the guys playing a concert on a train and John was wearing a lobster costume. I call it the amazing John and his stupid lobster suit dream but now it's real!!! Except in turtle form...

  • Hey Eeyore! Didn't see you before in the shots. Looks like you guys had loads of fun there!




  • I love this picture :) Thanks guys for a fabulous summer. It's been so great to come on this site and unwind, spend some time with my Goo. Keep in touch and be safe!
    Come visit me at barbieggdoll@myspace.com (It's a work in progress :)

  • It's Great, to be, a Florida Gator, Say it's Great, to be, a Florida Gator...
    GO Gators, come on Gators get up and GOOOOOOOOO!!

  • Always having a good time, have fun on your time off, and enjoy

  • hahahahahaha nativegoo thats was awesome!!!!!! u should write like cartoons or something lol

  • John: Hey guys, does this outfit make me look fat???
    Robby: (snickers) Do you want me to lie or tell the truth?!!!
    Mike: You look fine.
    John: Robby, tell me the truth, wouldya buddy?
    Robby: Okay, it makes your hips look huge. And it isn't doing anything at all for your waistline.
    John: Okay, I'm not buying this outfit!

  • ahhh, the life of a rock band!!! lol Lovely!!

  • What a Croc!

  • I knew you guys turned into animals when you drink but this is much too much...LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • you look so cute!!!!

  • see what happens when you drink?????

  • Thanks for the great pictures!

  • You guys are freakin' hilarious!!!

  • damn i'd love to party with these guys!!! yummmm i'd like to try a carona have you guys had baileys? i can't get over how different our cultures are i mean we have our similarities but its really weird don't yah rekon wierd in a good way baileys is the bomb so is vodka and rasberry yum! lol they look like they're having fun! lol i agree musicmaze i never know whats going on but you see these guys like bluedust and gooangela and missy etc keep up with them they know it all woot go u guys!!!! lol peace out to you all and party on!!!!

  • gotta love the corona!

  • Inspiration from the flamin lips? All you need is some of those crazy balloons

  • Hmmm... many Carona beers, two bottles of vodka? rum?, and a diet coke? Oh Yes... they had some fun!!!

  • oh, now I get it!!!!

  • Hmm I will never look at gators the same.....is it odd im being turned on by one?

  • I'll let that alligator bite me anyday....hell even take me down uder for a role!

  • These guys are animals!!!

  • You guys are F***in hilarious. That's why I love ya.

  • Hey, You guys look soooo cute!

  • Aww... Robby's the cutest gorilla I've ver seen!

  • you guys are awesome!!

  • LMAO you look like you've stepped out an advert for breakfast cereals! now hurry up and come to Europe :) :)