How would you translate a song into a single image? Join the new Overgram contest and share photos that represent your favorite lyric or phrase from “Rebel Beat.”
Here’s how to enter:
- Take a cool photo (it can be your own personal art, photo, screen grab from the “Rebel Beat” music video, etc. The more creative the better!)
- Put your favorite “Rebel Beat” lyrics over it using Overgram (there’s a free version of the app, but you can also use Paint, Photoshop, etc.)
- Post your creation to Instagram tagging @googoodollsofficial and #RebelBeat (if you don’t have Instagram, you can tag @googoodolls and #RebelBeat on Twitter instead). Don’t forget to follow the band on Instagram & Twitter.
It’s that easy! Entries must be submitted by 11:59 PM PT on Monday, June 3, 2013. You can find our lyrics to “Rebel Beat” right here.
We’ll feature some of our favorite photos on Twitter and add them to our Magnetic board on Pinterest. Good luck and have fun!
How would you translate a song into a single image? Join the new Overgram contest and share photos that represent your favorite lyric or phrase from “Rebel Beat.”
Here’s how to enter:
- Take a cool photo (it can be your own personal art, photo, screen grab from the “Rebel Beat” music video, etc. The more creative the better!)
- Put your favorite “Rebel Beat” lyrics over it using Overgram (there’s a free version of the app, but you can also use Paint, Photoshop, etc.)
- Post your creation to Instagram tagging @googoodollsofficial and #RebelBeat (if you don’t have Instagram, you can tag @googoodolls and #RebelBeat on Twitter instead). Don’t forget to follow the band on Instagram & Twitter.
It’s that easy! Entries must be submitted by 11:59 PM PT on Monday, June 3, 2013. You can find our lyrics to “Rebel Beat” right here.
We’ll feature some of our favorite photos on Twitter and add them to our Magnetic board on Pinterest. Good luck and have fun!