We've been havin' a little trouble with our server. . . . up down up down. . . . as we speak, it's bein' sorted out by the good folks at Slenderfungus . . . . .so. . . . . well, we wait. . . . . . .rest assured, the GUTTERFLOWER TOUR DIARY will return with coverage of Saturday's FAN NATION 2 show. . . . .as well as our first GTD Daily Give Away as soon as our wires get uncrossed. . . . . .probably later today. . . . . . . . . . our Euro/Japan press tour begins later this week. . . . . stick with GooGooDolls.com if you feel like taggin' along. . . . . . . . . .
be cool. . . . . . . .
We've been havin' a little trouble with our server. . . . up down up down. . . . as we speak, it's bein' sorted out by the good folks at Slenderfungus . . . . .so. . . . . well, we wait. . . . . . .rest assured, the GUTTERFLOWER TOUR DIARY will return with coverage of Saturday's FAN NATION 2 show. . . . .as well as our first GTD Daily Give Away as soon as our wires get uncrossed. . . . . .probably later today. . . . . . . . . . our Euro/Japan press tour begins later this week. . . . . stick with GooGooDolls.com if you feel like taggin' along. . . . . . . . . .
be cool. . . . . . . .