Submitted by Goo Goo Dolls on

You make me laugh too NativeGoo! I'm just surprised she and my vacuum aren't the proud parents of itty bitty dust-busters yet.


Can I get you some water?

what kind of vaccuum is that im lookin for a new one?

Now I can show my husband why I think John is such a great guy! Thanks for the pic.

John, I knew I loved you for a reason!!!

John is quite domestic!

(ROBBY is sat with his feet up on the table watching the TV. MIKE is wandering round in search of his other shoe and JOHN is vaccuuming)
MIKE: Has anyone seen my shoe?
ROBBY: Hang on, we'll just see if it's under me. Nope, not down there.
MIKE: Well i can't go out in one shoe can i?
ROBBY: Why not? I just generally don't wear them, they're highly over rated.
JOHN: Are you two just gonna sit and do nothing or are you gonna help me here?
ROBBY: But the Tweenies are on, i never miss it.
JOHN: Once won't kill you, i'm sick of doing all the work around here!
MIKE: And what about my shoe?
JOHN: I don't care about your goddamned shoe!!
MIKE: Well i never!
ROBBY: Hey Mike i see it. It's over there with that empty pizza box and slightly stained sock.
JOHN: That's it, i do all the cleaning and get no respect! Well no more! I want a divorce!
ROBBY: Oh but honey we aren't married...yet.
JOHN: Shut up! You can clean and cook and...I QUIT!!
ROBBY: Hey John that sock...it belongs to you.
JOHN: Oh well that changes everything.
MIKE: YES!! My shoe, dear sweet shoe. Well i'm going for a run, see ya later.
JOHN: Hmm, bye. Now where did i put that dustpan?

Is that "Bush on the Couch" by Justin Frank on the table?! If so ... that is a great book!!!!

That is some sexy $%*@!

I would love to do it for you anytime.

awww... I really really love this picture!!! Hey Johnny very sexy moves! Love u loads xxx

there was a question/answer contest on a local radio station that asked "a survey of women said they found this to be very sexy when their man did it". well i think i've got their answer. : )

lol that is too funny and also very cute at the same time!

Love it!

  • John, you should let me take care of the cleaning! You are working too hard!

  • Cleanliness is next to GOOdliness. My hubby would think that is obsessive compulsive behavior for a man.

  • I love a man who's neat and tidy! Is that a to do list on that clip board? Is it your turn to clean the bathroom or is it Robby's?

  • Do you do windows too ? ;)

  • Hey John when you get to Virginia Beach, could you stop by and teach my husband how to do that? Hope you're feeling okay!

  • i wonder whose mess john is cleaning up.....mike looks pretty conspicuous in the background there..

  • My kind of man!!I love it when a man helps out with the cleaning... Hello, John how are you doing...Looks to me like your are feeling okay,,See I told you, you would feel beter once you stayed away from Burger King(Just goshing)Have a safe journey and hurry back to California. Hugs and Kisses Denise

  • John you are so cool! I Love that you want the bus to be clean, I hope you are feeling better. See you in two weeks! I am so excited!!

  • lol

  • When you're done there can ya stop by my house?

  • Man after my own heart! Sexy hot and clean!

  • How'd you get stuck with that sucky job?

  • Isn't that the truth!!! John, you can come to my house anytime!!!!

  • Such a big vacuum for a bus. They should get one of those mini hand vacuums.

  • Hey Johnny...Please feel free to come to my house and vacuum!!....Wow..A sexy man who cleans...!!!!