Submitted by Goo Goo Dolls on

I don't know...It happens to me a lot too...

WOW!! Lucky female whales!!!

I hafta get going soon..but I wanna say g'night to 2394, too!

I think they shut it down to check stuff

Thanks jmt, that's sweet of you!!

140 here on the moblogs or are you talking about the forum?

It's stilll down, how long does that usually take?

here on th emoblogs for a second I only saw the posts go up to about 140.

A few hours unless you turn off your computer

Goo'night jmt928..See you in gooville...

yes...it's been fun!
Thanks for letting me crash again. It kept me from playing hours of Bejeweled.
Good night and sweet dreams!!

Do you think the they will pull this moblog down, cuz it's too high?

I love that game!!!!

Goodnight jmt! Sweet dreams!!

I'm going to have dreams of Dorks all night...

No I don't think they will

Hail boobie Kong!!!

thanks again you two...i'm outta here...


Bye Jmt928...

BlueDust you bad girl!!! hehehe

What did I do???

I hope I have a dream about someones big dork that is very real...you know those dreams that feel real!!!

dreams of D.. Okay I get it... Never Mind..hehehehe!!

Yes I know those dreams all to well, but the funny thing is I never see the mans face... Is that scary or what???

  • I jst made a strong vodka and fruitopia and put on the itunes originals!!

  • Never Mind Black Ballon, it is...I so want to learn how to play black balloon....

  • noting on tv too... goo'd idea...I think i'll do the same...I'm putting on Here Is Gone....

  • I wish I knew...I think if we fart backwards we might get younger.

  • I'm gonna put on some Goo, t.v is so boring right now? Heading to make a drink too!!

  • I should make a vodka and fruitopia!! A year younger, how does that work? hehehe

  • Whatcha ya drinking or doing???

  • so I just made myself a drink...Lemonade and Malibu RUM...

  • yeah, it's tomorrow...I ant to turn a year younger not older...Bummper...

  • Is tomorrow your birthday?

  • Just kidding with ya!!

  • I'm here...waitingggggggggg!!!

  • hello... go to to to the thinking room.... be back in a flush...

  • Hello!!!!!!!!!

  • are you there 2394

  • I don't want to feel the silence!!!

  • BlueDust are you still here?

  • internet boozing is the healthyest thing going on...come on people lets get the party going....Don't make me a one person party again...Please I don't want to Feel the Silence in here....

  • I have the booze 2394 all I need is you and the other girls to join me...

  • I mean me...not we...

  • Did we miss you again???? come back,,,Please...

  • I'm so excited about taking guitar lessons ... I wanted to take lessons for a long time, but never got around to doing it...

  • That is my aim...How are you doing???

  • Hey BlueDust, how's everything? Guitar lessons huh? Awesome, maybe you'll learn some Goo!!

  • Robby! love ya man!

  • Sorry romck for the Greeday errorscreen...That happened to me last week....Hi guys hope all is going well....

  • I'm getting the Greenday error screen when I'm trying to log into the forum right now.
    ...First time that's ever happened to me in the middle of the day....Anyone else? So I'll just comment here.... ......Robby's gonna need a wider belt loop for his new belt I think....."Wrestling Robby.?" nahhhh....

  • Well I had my first guitar lesson...The lesson went okay...I expected more....to tired to go into it right now...I'm ready for bed...Have a great night...Much love to all...

  • Robby, if you are joining the WWE you need a theme song. You've got the name already--Robby "Chaos Monster" Takac!!! GGGGGRRRRRRR

  • That's so cool, Bluedust!! The closest I have to playing guitar is my son's Wii game- Guitar Hero, which is so much FUN I might add!
    My son wants to play the drums now!!! What am I gonna do??? No room at my house. No ear plugs thick enough, either LOL!