Submitted by Goo Goo Dolls on

got the point the first time...snot dripping eeeeewwwwwww....thanks for the visual...LOL

At the time there was a sniper in DC and we were thinking of canceling that part of our trip, but they caught the guys just as our trip began.

If you can find some you should send them to me

Scary shit!!

We actaully got a parking ticket that I'm not sure my husband ever paid???? shhhhhhh...don't tell.

Your telling me!!!!

If you cross the border again they may catch it..

Have either of you ever been to Chicago?

Really...or you just pulling my leg?
Either of you notice I am profanity free??? I gave it up for Lent.

No I have never been to the windy city!!

They check your driver's license and it might be there

Although I am paying 25cents for each slip up and after Easter taking the money and giving it to a charity. So far I've collected about $8.50 since Wednesday. Today was a swear free day! I'm actually getting good at not swearing.

No not yet...I would love too, but the way my hours at work have been cut I don't think I could concider a trip now

Darn...what's the time frame? Cuz it's already been 5 years...

I gave up coffee and S*x for lent...

I'm hoping to get to California at some point, too. I want to take my mom so she can visit her sisters. They live in El Monte.

Only 24 to go before 1000!!!

starin with my brainfarts again...

Man coffee would be too hard for me. s*x well that wouldn't! LOL!

Not sure if there is a time frame, it may sit until it gets paid.

A new picture posted after 1000 would be nice...

El Monte is not to far from where I live...That's so cool!!!

Yeah we need some new pictures for sure! what's sex??

That would be great if The guys would post a picture after 1000 posts...

That's awesome! If it should truly happen I will let ya know so we can hang out!

Do you know what a Dork is?

Sex...it's when we fill out forms and they ask about our sex -male or female?

If we don't get a new picture, we should move on the the Mike pic because this one takes a bit to load cause it's so filled with blogs..

  • It's almost 9:00, so that means it's almost 12:00... Right??? Let me know when you want to call it a night....

  • Do you know who got wind of it?

  • That's funny, so am I!!!!LOL

  • WHOOHOO!!!!!!!! You know I I volunteered to doo this... They told me to give them a list of stores I wanted to hit....Someone got wind of it and Hit almost all of the stores I wanted to send the prmo packs too... That made me so mad..

  • I am listening to the greatest hits album..here is gone..I love this song

  • Boy I was really starting to space out...

  • As many as you want to send me babe!

  • posters..

  • hey, you did't tell me how may promotioal poster you wanted....

  • haaaaaaaaaaaaaahahhahah!!!

  • Sorry they are bitches and witches! As long as the witches don't hex you! haha

  • My intestines just farted....

  • you know mee too... I hope she is all right... She is probably head into her school work....

  • Everyone at work excet three are bitches aand witches...

  • I haven't heard from Missy in a long time

  • Yes for sure..I'm good with anytime. I didn't get up today until 1:30 Yikes!!

  • You know all of my friends are on toward the eaast... I only have two goo friends on the west...Missy and googirl1... is that sad...

  • Man I'm going to sleep really good tonight..... You know We have to get together more offten on the IM... Saturday at 7:00 and 10:00 for you... or we can do it earlier.... If you want....

  • I like it too!

  • Well you'd have one friend for sure!! at first, then you'd meet people

  • I really like the picture of Robby on this moblog...I think he's a cutie pie...

  • Yeah If I won some money...

  • No mine doesn't. You mean if you won money?

  • without something sweeet

  • Does your forehead hurt after drinking a few drinks...

  • It tastes funnny with something sweet...

  • I know this is stupid to say this, but I I won some money... I seriouly would move out that way....To be around people that care....

  • Why not? hahaha

  • This diffently has to be my last drink, cuz I'm all out of lemonade powder...Can't drink the Mal.Rum all by itself...

  • No they won't! Then we can do trips across the border to see each other! That would be great!