Submitted by Goo Goo Dolls on

Oh I see him and feel him, now that's weird!!


Have you heard about The BEAN

No who is the BEAN??

A long time ago I bought a stability ball to workout my abs...Never could handle the ball very well...Kept loosing my balance on it....Finally I saw this item called a bean...It's shaped like a jelly bean...It's better than the stability ball...It's the best thing I have bought...

You can work out all of you body parts on this Bean, and you don't have to worry about slipping off or loosing your balance...

Cool, I don't think we have that up here

I'll send you a picture of what it looks like... It's the best work out tool...

I think I need one

They sell it on the internet too...

I wonder when my mug and shirt are going to get here?

What good about it you can flip the bean over and stretch your back out to releive tention... My abs were really sore the next day after working out on it...

I want to order it, but it's going to have to wait until I bring my cretdit down a little more I been charging it a little this week to buy food...

That's neat

It will be there when your ready to order it.

I had a dream a few days ago tht I flew out to California to see you and it smelled like honeysuckle there!! Then you flew with me back here! It was a really real dream!

I hope they don't run out...Did you get my e-mial about the Dork...

I need to get my passport. We will need it soon to cross the border and I need it to fly.

That's a sweet dream...I wish it would come true...If only one of us could hit the lotto...

Yeah go read # 1052

That's right!!! I forgot...

Does it smell like honeysuckle there??

You need a passport to fly into the US...Why??? That's stupid!!!

Or am I thinking of the South?

Yeah we need one, not sure why. You need one to fly here too I think.

Read 1102

well, where I'm from it sometimes smell like cow shit...That could sometimes smell sweet...

I have a passport, but I think it's about to expire...

That cracked me up!! We have smog days in the Summer and it's hard to breathe, but it smells good sometimes. Where I lived before I moved it would smell like cow shit sometimes because it was close to the country.

  • Hey I forgot to tell you girls...I'm so excited I could hardly stand it...I'm taking up guitar lessons...My first lesson is this coming Wed...WHOO HOO!!!!

  • Bluedust sorry I missed you. I signed off at 11:50 my time, so we just missed each other darn it!

  • Bluedust...you crack me up! A little tipsy, eh? ;)

  • and a little bit tipsy

  • And no to ever reads this..I'm not a nutbar....Just bored is all...

  • I'm a one person party in here!!Whoo Hoo!!!

  • Noboby like me
    Nobody wants me
    I guess I'll eat some worms
    first you bite their heads off
    Then you suck the guts out
    Then you watch them squiggle and squirmmmmmmmmm...

  • Boy, I really feel the silence in here...

  • wing....wing

  • wing, wing...Are you out there??? Wing Wing??? I'm, fine weally I am....You fine I'm fine...Wing, Wing....

  • Anybody out there in gooville???? 2394 are you out there???

  • Nice belt Robby looks good on you....

  • Robby, you are just too cute!

  • If you join WWF, I think I'll cry!

    (P.S. Do like the W.H. logo, though)

  • Gotta keep laughing! Good on ya...looking great as always!

  • cute

  • robby's so funny

  • Thats fantastic! Robby "The Rocker" Takac

  • This just cracks me up!!!!
    Robby, the champion.....of the waffle house!!!!!
    I LOVE it!!!!
    Has anyone ever eaten there??

  • lol it does say waffle house!

  • Ladies and Gentlemen start your intestines! LMAO i heart you robby you are awesome!

  • Robby -you're too cute!!
    Really lovin' this picture!
    So, what's up with the belt?
    Okay...this is Mike's, right?!
    Ha, ha, ha! ;)

  • nice! World Champion


  • Sorry I missed you BlueDust. I waited around and thought you were gone, so I signed off.

  • I know this is really random, but I was watching the ABC news and there was a shooting in my city....Domastic Dispute...All I know the shooter is dead...I'll keep you all posted...

  • LOL!!!!! jmt928

  • LOL!!!! Why is the theme music from "Rocky" seem to be going through my head??? Maybe it's that belt your holding.

  • ok I'm crackin up at the waffle house belt.

  • Robby you champ!