Submitted by Goo Goo Dolls on

I'm sure their album will kick ass as their other albums have.....

I bet it will...I heard they were releasing a dvd of Redrocks performance..not sure when

I think sometime this month...

Let me know when you are tired..

That would be sweet!! A nice little pick me up during the Winter blahs...and a Valentines present to myself!!!

I am tired now...sweet Goo dreams my goo pal..see you tomorrow night at 7:00 your time

I'm tired too...Have a goo' night see you tomorrow @ 7:00...

Okay Goo'dnight!!!

BlueDust are you here? I've got my vodka and am ready to go!!

BlueDust where are you?? I am feeling the silence in here..

I'm here

Got caught up playing a game on the computer..

Look at your username!!

We need to get 1000 tonight!!

well then let get started!!!

Did you see how your name is coming up?

Are you drinking anything??

Yeah I thought it would be neat to type it that way...Pretty funny huh?

No not drinking tonight.....

It makes think it's not you!!

Getting close to 900!!!!

Me no understandie

I wonder who it will be ....ME or you

It makes me think it's not you!!

We'll see!!

Tell me something so that I know it's you...

Why would you think that??? Just not in the mood to drink right now ...

Are you drinking anything?

I think it's mee!!

  • yes I agree....Friday are bad to banter on the IM,ccuz of Ghost Whisper and Moon Light...

  • I could use a Goo tingle too!! Oh boy, there goes my mind in the Gutterflower!! hahaha

  • I meant to say a good tingle not goo tingle, but that was funny...

  • Alright! I love doing this. It beats watching the boob tube when nothing is on!

  • a goo tingle..

  • Hey I can use

  • we out did our last Moblog..way to go 2394...

  • Yes, I noticed.. way too cool...well someone has to keep the Moblog interesting...

  • You know, we've posted almost 200 comments on here tonight!

  • NOW that was funny!!! two mind thinking alike....LMAO!!!!

  • I sure could use a good tingle!!

  • Holy shit, that cracked me up! I was just about to type that and you beat me to it! By the way...yes he does!

  • I think he makes something else tingle too...

  • Let me tell you, I could listen to him all day. His voice makes my ears tingle!

  • I won't I promise...I will be throwing it out in the trash tomorrow...LOL!!!!

  • I don't know. I was trying to figure out your code!!

  • Yes I could fall for a man with a Irish accent..Yummmmmm

  • It is probably really bad for your system. Don't take that shit, you look great!

  • What the hell was I trying to say in the begining of the sentence... Brain fart...

  • The diet is ig=f you stay within your fat percentage you won't have that problem...Bull shit....It only took me to fart for the oil to come out...

  • I'll make him keep his shirt on..hahhaha

  • Yes it is kind of gross, I just like his accent...mmmmm baby!!

  • well he sounds like he's really covered..Yikes!!! I like tattoos, but that is a little extreme for me....I like negative space too...

  • I am still cracking up about your oil shit

  • It's always on my mind, even though I haven't had it since June!

  • good if it come your way walk pass it....

  • Yes he is pretty covered. Full sleeves, his neck and well I haven't seen the rest...YET!!!

  • sleeping with him...huh what's on your mind????

  • We don't have that brand up here

  • how covered is he..like the guy in the motely cruel band Tom Lee???