Submitted by Goo Goo Dolls on

I always wondered who was heavier-- Big Boy or Homer Simpson.

Homer : Oh my God! There're on in 5 minutes and there's no beer!


Thu, 07/27/2006 - 16:15

bobs big boy and morrocco, theres something you dont see everyday....


lol i like the napoleon dynamite one.

Uhhh John something is missing...how about a retro metal "Sausage" wall tin.....lol

Vote for Pedro.......is he still running? LOL


how could you not like that movie?!
DEB:"What are you drawing?"
ND:"A Liger."
DEB:"What's a Liger?"
ND:"It's pretty much my favorite animal."

"Pedro just listen to your heart it's what I always do."

NICE dixie19! I saw that movie for the first time the other day and it was hilarious!

I went to high school with Napoleon Dynamite. No seriously, I went to high school with Jon Heder. Yeah ok it was his little brother Matt, but my brother was actually in the class behind Jon. Go Salem?

"vote for padro he'll make your wildest dreams come true"!! love that movie!!! ohh and look apu from the simpsons i love him!!! and homer too of chorus!!

  • Oh yeah and I swear that I'm not insane or obsessed or anything (I would hate it if you got that impression). I'm just stressed and I figured that some of you would know how I feel.

  • Sorry guys (GGD fans), but I need to vent and this is the only way I can think of so that a lot of fellow GGD fans will possibly help me out. I'M SOOOOO PARANOID AND STRESSED THAT I WON'T EVER SEE THE GGD IN CONCERT OR MEET THEM!!!!! Any advice.... anybody?

  • Homer is freaking out because Hula Homer is missing.

  • These are the ones Robby accumulated on this tour. The other 1000 of his are at his LA home. Say hi to your new buddies for me, will ya? I understand what John means about having no privacy, with all Rob's new friends, I'm sure he has not one minute of time to himself!

  • I meant Although.

  • Oh my and how sooooo cute!!!

  • Very funny teee! Altough I shudder at the rememberance of that whole boy band era.

  • Is this the new band?

  • It's a celebration- Lance Bass came out of the closet!!

  • So what happens when you press the buttons...do they dance? Very entertaining...good for a smile!

  • get your own tots!

  • Napoleon Dynamite!!! Love that movie!

    Grandma cracked her COCCYX!

    Take any sweet jumps?

  • Are these just all pictures of Robby's stuff? I mean don't get me wrong, I LOVE THEM!!! These are really great. Does setting these up by the guitars before every show bring you good luck? Much love.

  • Oh what a great pic!!! Simpsons, Bigboy, and Napolean Dynomite! What more could you want!

  • So are these your good luck charms or what? I love Moroco Mole!