Submitted by Goo Goo Dolls on

All be damm, so that's what LOL means.. thanks Luvjr123... you are a good teeacher..Now I can go to you if I need help again...Thanks again BlueDust

Okay now girls you guys are making me feel reallyyyyyy old here. I just turned 34 on Monday. And by the way gooangela when you refer to coment #7 naked, you are referring to the song right (tring to get you off the hook)? Have a good one. gg1

Wow, I was gone for a couple hours and there are like 12 more comments, and I'm glad some other people got in on the fun. Lots of love gals!

Yeah Missy there are a TON of new comments. I was gone for like a half an hour and when I came back there were 9 new comments on various pictures! Anyway hey thanks googirl1! I could have been talking about the song because it's one of my favorites songs, but ya know....! Thanks!

It's crazy! I think we started a epidemic here. I love it! Yeah that is a good excuse Naked is a great song, actually they skipped at my concert, I was kinda bummed for like 2 seconds til Johnny started singing again.

He's gone to get food... and from the looks of it...hopefully some pants :-)

Hey Missy, So you noticed they didn't play Naked too? That's one of my favorites. They did not play that song @ Irvine either. I think they were tring to get the new stuff out(LLI). Bummer O well maybe next concert.. Have a good one. gg1

Robby : So when are you gonna tell John you lost the rest of your drum set?
Mike : I think after the gig.
Robby : One problem with that.
Mike : What's that?
Robby : He's gonna notice at sound check.
Mike : Is there a Kentucky Fried Chicken aroudn here?
Robby : No way! We're not doin' that bucket of chicken set again! Your hands were so greasy from easting the chicken, you kept hittin' me with sticks all night.

Actually googirl1 Naked was on the setlist (I could see it from where I was), but they played Give A Little Bit which was also on the setlist in its place. It was strange, but like I said once Johnny started singing again I was spell bound.

Hey Missy, I hear ya girl, me too!

Mike melted!!!!

lol. You know googirl1, I was thinking that John wouldn't even have to sing, just stand and talk and a good nuber of us here would just start drooling.

  • Lordy, it's GOOd Girls Gone Wild. Quit corrupting my sweet little gooangela, ya naughty Cracker Box escapies!!! LOL! ;) Hiya boys in the background!

  • HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That might be WAY bad if they read this! You guys haven't figured out how old I am yet? Wow this is embarrassing! I'm only 15 guys. I've been a GGD fan for like nine years though. I hope that if I am way younger than you and Missy that won't stop you guys from talking to me. You too SeattleSiren. How old are you guys (except SeattleSiren, I know how old you are)?

  • lol. You're very welcome ladies. I just hope they don't read this blog, that might be embarassing.

  • gooangela how old are you?

  • Heaven, I'm in heaven...Have a great day Missy

  • Missy I'm too young to be having dirty thoughts like that! I really do wonder what that would be like if ALL THREE OF THEM were naked....? Oh god dirty thoughts, dirty thoughts!

  • I dunno BlueDust there can't be that much privacy on the bus so John and Robby might just follow the suit. Now that would send us all into complete bliss.

  • Whoops I meant to say "That would be an interesting site**".

  • That would be an interesting to see Missy and BlueDust. Mike's drums look very complicated to me. I'm glad I don't have to set them up, I would totally screw it up and then John would be super mad at me for ruining the show!

  • God would that be a site to see Missy.... Although John and Robby might have nightmares for a couple of weeks, and all of us girls would be in totally bliss for weeks or even months...Wow!!Have a good day...BlueDust

  • So BlueDust does that mean Mike's walking around naked? Not that it would be a bad thing. lol.

  • Mike, how many times have I told you not to leave your underwear hanging around your drums...Let me put them away for you...What a girl would do for a guy...Hugs and Kisses Denise