Submitted by Goo Goo Dolls on


Sun, 07/30/2006 - 11:18

it's funny to read that some people here wants to go to europe..for me it's otherwise,i wish i could be in america,then i would have the chance to see the goo goo dolls perform in real life.I'm already happy that they are coming this fall to europe again,but it would be amazing if they could come to the netherlands this time!

HEEEEEY! Let's start a 'foreign fan' exchange program! ;)

Hey, John I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for GGD fan pinching your bum.. That was really disrespectful....I would never violate anybody's space like that...Please know that the majority of us GGD fans do have respect for you and the other guys...Please do not lose faith in your fans....Please don't take our blogging seriously either....Lots of love....Hugs and Kisses Denise

Wow!!! Did I over use the word "Please" Have a good day guys Hugs and Kisses Denise

Yeah John if you ever see this I agree with BlueDust. We just like to talk with fellow GGD fans alike.

Hey BlueDust, if the guys do an exclusive concert it will most likely be in LA. Can I stay at your place as I won't be able to afford staying at a hotel and I really want to go. I will have to start saving now! Please!!

googirl1- Happy Birthday.
Happy birthday to googirl1
Happy birth day to you
Happy Birth day to googirl1
Happy birthday to you
You live in the zoo
you smell like a monkey and you look like one too.--Happy-B day...Better late than never, and by the way I'm a year older than you, so there...Have a great day.. Lots of Luv BlueDust

Hey Misy...On #15 You can't speek espanol, cuz I no understando..Speeky englisho Please Mancho grassyess HAHAHAH!!! I Spello no goodo in espanol..Have a good day BlueDust

2394- if the Goo Goo Dolls have an exclusive concert in LA you are more than welcome to stay with me....If they have the concert else where we all can pitch in for a room.... This way it is not hard on our pocket books... That would be very cool if they had a concert just for the inner machine members...Oh, man, oh, man I'm jazzed...I hope this wish comes true....If not that's okay toooooo...Have a good day BlueDust

Hey BlueDust, even though Missy and I are young are we still invited to stay with you guys?

Absolutely gooangela... You both are invited...

Judging from today's tour BLOG sounds like the Goos stayed at the Omni Parker House in Boston. It's directly across from the Old Granary Burying Ground. The guys should demand their money back from the tour guide.... Ben Franklin is buried in Philadelphia and John Adams (US Pres. #2) in Quincy, MA. Paul Revere, the parents of Ben Franklin, Mother Goose, John Hancock (so many John's... all historic and dead... it's easy to get them confused), and Sam Adams (Got Beer!? No that came later.) are all buried there. Next time the guys should call me, and I'll give them the real tour. (Beware... Goos there will be a quiz after to judge retention.) The Tweeter Center show ROCKED. See you in New Hampshire. "Live Free or Die" :>

BlueDust you are awesome! That will be so fun, can you imagine the conversations, all Goo all the time!! I am starting to save right away! Thanks babe!

Mike : Now I know where they stole the Gorton's Fisherman from.
Robby : Should we catch a cab?
John : I'm too tired to run. Why don't we just stand here and have a cab come to us.
Mike : Yeah.

lol. BlueDust, I'll only speak in English from now on, I've pretty much used up all the Spanish I know anyways. That would be a dream come true! An exclusive IM concert! Thank you BlueDust for the invitation, I really hope we can take you up on the offer. 2394 I doubt we'd get any sleep whatsoever with all of our talking, the concert, and the after concert talking. We'd all probably lose our voices. Well gotta go sign the petition!

Hey googirl1! Is it your birthday? If it is then HAPPY BIRTHDAY! lots of love!

Hey missy I already signed it...I think I put tooo many commas in it , but oh well...What can I say when I get overly excited... I hope this concert happens...A dream come true for all of us girls...Have a good evening Girls....

Missy just goshing about the spanish...All I know is bad words.... Just don't ask me to spell them...I suck at it as you can see...Oh I know one polish bad word, but I don't know how to spell it either....Just watch the movie "under the tuscan sun" you will know what I mean...Anyway enough with my bantering.. Have a good night and don't let the bed bugs bite!!! See Ya BlueDust

Is that a Goo doll on the awning next to the Vitamin Shoppe?

this is a vertical picture being squished into a horizontal format. right click on the picture and view it alone and you will see how it is supposed to look.


Mon, 07/31/2006 - 05:31

hey SeattleSiren,that's a great idea! good one from you..

Hey Girls we have guys Blogging here...I'm so excited... Welcome JMAnthony65 and Walter...Where are you guys from? Wait a minute those names could be last names...If you are girls I'm sorry for call you guys...If not welcome men...Have a great Day BlueDust

Thanks evelineaardoom! I meant it! I haven't been back to my cheerie ol' UK in YEARS, and just think of the fun to be had by all Goobers everywhere! Hmmm, you've got me thinking! lol!!

Hey BlueDust, Thanks for your B-Day wishes. Man, isn't this great, everyone hear on the Inner Machine is just like this one big happy goo family. I love it! Stay Sweet! gg1

Hey googirl1, did I miss your Birthday? If so, I am sorry and I hope it was a great day for you!

I hope you had LOTS of cake googirl1. Personally I think it's a sin not to have cake on your birthday, or some equivalent of cake at least.

Oh and BlueDust, don't worry I already know most of the bad words in Spanish, you wouldn't belive the things that my 68 year old grandma says! It's kinda shocking until you take into consideration that she is Spaniard and the only thing scarier than her temper might be a 500 pound rabid mother bear. And I've only seen the last half of Under the Tuscan Sun, but it seems I'll have to order it from Netflix now that you got me curious. Talk to yah later!- Missy

Wow Missy and BlueDust... naughty, naughty! Talking about swearing in foreign languages.... that's AWESOME! BlueDust I hope you are feeling better and googirl1, happy late b-day!

happy bithday googirl1! Nice to meet a fellow leo!

I know what you mean hornylilangel71. I'm trying not to freak out before the meet and greet. See you thursday!

  • googirl1- Happy Birthday.
    Happy birthday to googirl1
    Happy birth day to you
    Happy Birth day to googirl1
    Happy birthday to you
    You live in the zoo
    you smell like a monkey and you look like one too.--Happy-B day...Better late than never, and by the way I'm a year older than you, so there...Have a great day.. Lots of Luv BlueDust

  • Hey BlueDust, if the guys do an exclusive concert it will most likely be in LA. Can I stay at your place as I won't be able to afford staying at a hotel and I really want to go. I will have to start saving now! Please!!

  • Yeah John if you ever see this I agree with BlueDust. We just like to talk with fellow GGD fans alike.

  • Wow!!! Did I over use the word "Please" Have a good day guys Hugs and Kisses Denise

  • Hey, John I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for GGD fan pinching your bum.. That was really disrespectful....I would never violate anybody's space like that...Please know that the majority of us GGD fans do have respect for you and the other guys...Please do not lose faith in your fans....Please don't take our blogging seriously either....Lots of love....Hugs and Kisses Denise

  • HEEEEEY! Let's start a 'foreign fan' exchange program! ;)

  • it's funny to read that some people here wants to go to europe..for me it's otherwise,i wish i could be in america,then i would have the chance to see the goo goo dolls perform in real life.I'm already happy that they are coming this fall to europe again,but it would be amazing if they could come to the netherlands this time!

  • Hey Maryann777 Thank for caring...So, your from Boston.... wow!!! We are on opposite coasts...I'm from S. California...How's the weather out there...I hope it's not toooo hot there in Boston....It is nice to hear from you...Stay Cool and have a great day....BlueDust

  • 2394 Sorry you are not feeling yourself. Hope you feel better soooon.... Sorry I was not able to blog you back... The power went off in the house last night...Take take of yourself, drown your cold with plenty of soup....BlueDust

  • Boston has a feel all its own... the pic doesn't really capture it, huh Bostonians? (hornylilangel71: when you get to the venue, talk to the person rounding you up for M&G... chances are your 5 yr old son can come... I think security can 'take him' if he makes a false move! lol!)

  • I hope some more of you people read this! YOU MUST GO TO THE FORUM AND SIGN A PETITION FOR THE GGD TO DO AN IM SHOW FOR ONLY IM MEMBERS! There have been a TON of people signing it and I think everybody needs to! Go to the forum and go to search. In search type in "Inner Machine EXCLUSIVE CONCERT". Please, please, please, post a reply. Also write in a Q&A asking the GGD what they would think of doing an exclusive IM members only show. Thank you!

  • woo hoo 4 days and counting till Jones Beach Concert, and Meet And Greet, ok im pysched, only bad thing is I bought a ticket for me and my 5yr son (fan since a fetus) they wont let him back with me,,,, oh well, im sure someone in the parking lot will watch him (just kidding) I cant wait.....YEAH FOR ME

  • Stephanie's on Newbury has some of the finest food in Boston. You won't regret it!

  • Another brilliant picture :-)
    Too bad we don't really get it :-\

  • Hey Blue Dust - Sorry to hear that you are not feeling too well. I hope u feel better soon. Boston is my hometown. I was unable to go to last night's show. I'm checking today for local reviews in the papers of the show. I'm traveling to NY next week to see the guys though and I'm getting psyched!!!!!!!

  • BlueDust, hey babe, the weather here is sooooo HOT. It feels like it is in the hundreds with the humidity.

  • Oh wow BlueDust I feel soooo dumb! I misread something that you wrote and I thought you said something about you scaring me off when really you were talking about 2394. I feel soooooooo dumb!

  • is this newbury street?? if so, robby u better have gone 2 Sugar Heaven!! (if u did, isnt' the pez display AWESOME?!?) i cant tell wut that sign says..but i don't think it's sugar heaven..hmmm?

  • That is so not fair gooangela! I've always wanted to go to Europe. Hopefully my aunt will take me when she goes back to Spain next summer. It shouldn't be too hard to persuade her to visit other parts of Europe.

  • Oh and yeah Missy I've been to Paris. I've been to Paris, Copenhagen, Vienna, Tyrol, Munich, Tuscany/Florence, Venice, Bern, and Leon. It's way cool over in Europe.

  • Hey John, Robby,& Mike! Hope you had some "Beard Papa's" natural cream puffs! They're awesome!! Chocolate is my favorite! ;)

  • Haha nice Missy! I'm a little closer to 2394, but I think the soup would still be cold by the time I got there. Yeah 2394 of course we would worry about you! You are one of the regular posters and it's weird that you weren't there for a couple of days.

  • Well 2394 I hope you feel better soon, I'd make you some soup but I'm afraid it'd be cold by the time it reached Ontario. Mucho amor para ti!

  • Hey BlueDust, gooangela and Missy, thanks for wondering where I was. I am here, just wasn't posting anything. I haven't been feeling that great. I love you guys for thinking of me! The guys are going to Connecticut next!

  • You've been to Paris gooangela! So unfair, I have some cousins out there, but I'm pretty sure they aren't French though, I think they're Spaniard. I know I was wondering where 2394 was today during all the conversation and I'm glad she's back. Oh and the guys are commin' to my house tomorrow, just to let yah know. :)

  • Oh and 2394 it's soooooo nice to hear from you and know that you are still living! We were all starting to wonder where you went!

  • No Missy I don't think that's weird. I never see any taxis where I live. The first time I ever saw a taxi was when I went to Paris. That and once here are the only times I've seen taxis. Oh and the GGD should be leaving Boston tonight or tomorrow morning. I don't know where they go next though.

  • Ok is it weird that I've only seen like 3 or 4 taxi cabs in real life? So the boys are in Boston?

  • Don't worry BlueDust you guys didn't scare me away.

  • Interesting picture guys. Um..... you know I don't like yellow cars too much, but I'll like them just for the three of you!