Submitted by Goo Goo Dolls on

re: #58... 'fraid I'm not aware of any secure messaging systems for blurbs from The Great Beyond. Contact his mgmt firm, and ask where to send a personal note or email, if ur 4 real. :) Man, Johnny's been sitting at that computer for daaaaaaays now....

fromheaven...Personally I think your comment is way off base.
It's no joke to lose a loved one, please just think about it.

I agree with crzy4goo. I don't find your comment amusing fromheaven. I have lost my parents also and I know how John feels. If this shit keeps up he won't read our blogs! Smarten up!!

Ladies, I think I showed our John Edwards wannabe the door outta here, and on to more appropriate places.... I've lost too many to count as well, Johnny my friend. (((hugs)))

from heaven... that is way fu*ked up dude. I have lost some one recently and for someone to come on the blog and just degrade people is low. If you don't like the band, then why did you spend 30 bucks to join the group? asshole

I am totally with wsunicole06 on comment #65, that is WAY messed up to say something like that. I don't want to start any enemies, but my hell that was a pretty asshole-ish thing to say. And why would you spend $30 to join a fan club for a band that you don't like? Totally messed up!

Oh and just to make things clear, on my comment #66 I'm talking to fromheaven, not wsunicole06. Fromheaven you are f***in' messed up to say something like what you did on comment #58.

#59....Loved what John was wearing too at Jones Beach...similiar to this one in this pic! But who cares! It looks good on him!

thank you gooangela... I kinda figured you were talking about fromheaven... people can be cruel... and just plain evil...

fromheaven, I really hope you didn't intend on being mean, but if you did then you deserve all the angry comments and more. I sincerely hope that you learned your lesson because one day you might make the wrong person very mad and it might not turn out well for you. And you would do well to remember that us true GGD fans are the wrong people to mess with especially in subjects concerning our guys. So think before you speak/write.

Very nice Missy, very nice. I am totally with you on that. All of us who wrote the mean "in your face" comments to fromheaven are true GGD fans and you don't mess with us!

Wow !! I understand Your girls feelings, and it angers me too...To think someone could be so cruel and write a message like that...That's low...I love the guys very much...I am very greatful for their music..The GGD's music, dvd's ,pictures,and so on helped me trough my recovery from a serious car accident four years ago and I am still recovering even to this day...I do not know what is going through that persons head or what is going on in their live to make them make such a dim-witted a comment..The person upstairs "God" teachs us in the Bible to "forgive"...I'm sure John has already fogiven "fromheaven" for that comment...I forgive "forheaven" too...How about you girls? Lots of love and compassion Bluebust

Please don't be mad at me girls for the comment..Luv ya BlueDust

stargirl-Okay You have to put your comments in english too on line 49,, cuz I still no understando espanol....BlueDust

BlueDust you are tooo funny girl your comment #74. Stargirl is saying. "What are you sending me a kiss? I think so". Stargirl you are too cute but dont forget some of us goo people know spanish. By the way stargirl I love your comments. :) Have a good night ladies.. gg1

Thank you googirl1...I understood "beso" The rest I was confused...Thank you and enjoy your movie with the other hot johnny

Had a couple of brain farts in line 72... Sorry...

BlueDust you are completely right. fromheaven I forgive you too, just be more careful with what you say.

I agree with you missy...That person needs to be careful...It not nice to hurt someones feelings... "fromheaven" YOU HAD A VERY BIG BRAIN FART!!! Think twice before your write...BlueDust

Ok Missy and BlueDust I agree with you too. I just thought that was way mean, but I'll forgive. Just don't ever say anything like that about ANY of the guys again or else...... that isn't supposed to sound threatening btw.

I have forgivien people for way worsse... so yes... I do forgive, but that does not mean I forget. Thanks for reminding me of that Missy and BlueDust

Ok girls, I can forgive fromheaven, but I'm very glad we cleared the air.
It's very mean spirited and disrespectul to post such cruel comments.
When you lose someone you love the pain never goes away, it just becomes bearable. Off handed comments like that just bring back that horrible pain!!
I sure hope John didn't see that comment.
Let's just remember to be nice.

Hi John, your music is an inspiration. It gives me someting to hope for..."Let love in"

I just saw the video and it was great thanks for posting the link. John is adorable and always good looking no matter what he's doing.

So Mr. Rzeznik - just WHAT is in that red cup?

BTW - how is it that no matter what you are doing - you still ALWAYS manage to look like the sexiest man alive?!

(I just wanna run my fingers through your hair - just once!!!)


Mon, 08/07/2006 - 16:17

it's comforting and yet also sort of disturbing that every human being takes the same posture at the computer...

There's John-reading everything we are writing. If you want to inspire him for new songwriting material, go to www.musicishealing.org and let him know exactly what makes you feel the Goos so deeply! Mostly everyone has a story of how the Goos helped them get through a difficult time in their lives. Here's your chance to give back to them! Thanks for a GOO-reat time Friday night Johnny, Robby and Mike! Truly hope Security Mike remembered to give you the little brown bag I gave to him for you! Hope everything was ok!


Teri :) Goo

I didn't read the post "from heaven" until after I wrote my post. If you are a legitimate psychic with GOO-d intentions to inspire JohnnyGoo and not some mean asshole trying to freak him out, then why don't you pm me with your so-called message, okay? I've had private conversations with him due to losing my parents young like him and I can assure you if this is bullshit, I will see through you. Just a serious warning!

John, I hope you got the replica of Picasso's Guitar Player as I intended. I noticed that when you play "Name" you shake out your hand in between chord changes so the bracelet is supposed to have healing properties to keep it strong! Bless You Brother!

Hey johnny you can talk to me anytime!!!!

  • he looks GOOD from his backside!!!!!!

  • johnny: *thinking* shit i wonder if they saw the porn!.......Just look like ur checking ur email....stay cool John, stay cool...

  • Hey gooangela!!! Just watched that video link...wow! Now I really am getting my tattoo!! I may add a kanji to it as well. Talk to you all later!

  • Johnny's still hot when he's getting all geek-like on the computer!

  • My favorite painter is Picasso!

  • I could look at him all day!!

  • ha ha
    u got that right
    He could be my
    "peeping Tom" anyday !!!!!!!!

  • I want John to stalk me! That darn luvjr123! lol, just kidding, but wouldn't that be nice? I mean most stalkers are creepy, but John would be the hottest stalker ever!

  • John, please stop stalking me..

    I told you , you will see me @ the Meet & greet
    ha ha ha
    " if only " .......

  • Computer Junkie....just like us....giggle

  • John : Let me see, now how do I delete all the pictures of Robby and Mike?

  • Oh please don't remind me of that horrible subject! I barely passed it this year with like the lowest C someone could get both semesters. Goodnight!

  • Alright well I'll stop bugging you then. I have to get going anyway. I'll talk to all of you ladies tomorrow afternoon/night. Good luck with the Psychology Missy. I should do some Algebra 2 before I go to bed. Goodnight all!

  • Thanks ggoangela, I'll definately look at the site later. But I'm supposed to be working on my Pscychology assignment right now. lol. I've only got 3 sentences written down.

  • Hey 2394! We missed you yesterday, how have you been? Not too hot in Ontario I hope.

  • Yeah Missy he does. On his back it's a big black crown with 5 or 6 red stars going kind of in a rainbow shape above the crown. You can get a really good look at it and an explanation behind his tattoos if you go to this website
    really interesting. Oh yeah, look really hard at his Picasso tattoo when he tells you to. It's hilarious!!!!

  • Hey gooangela, I LOVE everything about John!! hehe

  • How could I not love that tatoo!? I got some awesome pics of him at my concert and you can see his tatoo like perfectly, cept he was wearing a t-shirt so you can't see all of it. But on his back he has like a crown with stars above it I think.

  • Ya know I thought John's Picasso tattoo went further back under his arm than it does. Hmmm..... whatever. I love that tattoo though, don't you ladies (or guys)?

  • Hello John! Lookin' very sexy today. At least it doesn't look like he's reading our blogs from last night (sigh of relief). I agree with you gooangela and indymom, I don't consider them "rock stars" either. Maybe because they do so much for their fans and really interact with us. We love them for it that's for sure.

  • Speaking of "normal" laundry's done, I have to go fold now! See ya'll later.

  • Yeh, I know what you mean gooangela. I don't think of them as rockstars either. But really, every "rock star" does "normal" stuff. We just don't think about it.

  • Thanks cutie-pooh gooangela. ;) Yeah, why do most people get cool dreams about flying like Superman and crap, and for me it's just another day in a PA's life. I suppose the good news is that at least I HAD the job. (hint hint HINT HINT HINT!) *sigh* Gotta go workout now........

  • Yes but indymom you must admit that it is cool to see rockstars doing stuff like that! I think it's way awesome. Come to think of it though, I don't even consider them to be rockstars. Just really popular guys who sing and play guitars/drums. Yeah I'm weird....

  • Probably just paying some bills...nothing too exciting!

  • Very nice SeattleSiren, very nice! I wonder what he's so focused on and if he even knows that somebody took a pic of him. That's so cool to see them doing normal every day things!

  • HA HA Malininwoman, that's funny! ;) Johnny, I had a dream last night that you made me drive you to a backwater barbershop for a trim... you ended up with a mullet dyed bright red. It was a scream worthy shock! More power to ya my brother!

  • Hey BlueDust! It's cooler here tonight. It's in the high 70's. Not too bad. I leave Saturday night for the Mon. Saratoga Springs show. I'm getting psyched. Hello Missy. John is looking sweet too . . .

  • Hey John how's it going...Did you get a hair cut...If you did it looks great....Hugs and Kisses BlueDust

  • Hey John,
    Don't ya just love the laptop?
    See you in Springfield!!!!