Submitted by Goo Goo Dolls on

Googirl1: where have I been??
I think I have been on planet Mars lately...I'm glad you found your cat...I have three cats and three dogs, and I love them to pieces...Anyway have a great four day camping adventure...Blog you soon Hugs BlueDust

Good night Goo pals

Vroom Vrooooooom Vrooooooom :)

I wanna ride!!


  • I want to know who was awake on the bus at 3am on the east coast to post this! ;) Yes, beautiful Angie-pooh... I understand. *MOOWAH* I also know, that to the Goo-ey gents... being a postive, love inspiring, heart expanding force in someone's life is a gift to them from you. ;) Luvs ya.

  • That looks like a lot of fun, but who's taking the picture?

    Hi gooangela, you have officailly confused me, but that's incredibly easy to do so no big deal, but I am very curious about the "thank you", but if you don't want to explain then it seems I'm outta luck. Much love to all the Goo ladies too!

  • OK GOOs.....No drinking and driving!!

  • Wheeee....now we're at the speedway...

  • FUN!!!! Whose on it? It looks like Brad or John........ I can see that you boys are having some fun out there on the road (other than doing shows) and that's way awesome! Keep it up guys! Also...... THANK YOU! You guys would have no idea what I'm saying thank you for and I don't care to explain, but thank you (SeattleSiren probably understands why I'm saying this, don't you?) I love you guys (and all my lady GGD friends out there!)! Much love to you all.