Submitted by Goo Goo Dolls on

Hey 2394,I forgot to wish you good luck on your first date(Good Luck)...Hope you left your legs hairy..HAHAHA You know what I mean...Tell me how your date went? Lots of Hugs BlueDust

Mmmmm. I love Johnny!

Hey 2394, Your date is tonight. I am sure he is a nice guy. Have lots of fun! And glad to here you are feeling better. gg1

Go 2394! Hope you're date goes well, and ditto to what BlueDust said about the hairy legs. (: And indymom I've never seen the lead singer for Duran Duran, but of the music I've heard I like it, actually I think they played at a club downtown here a couple years ago. Well have a great night everyone!

John: Please Wild Bill, can I drive, there isn't much traffic. And besides, you promised I could drive if I downloaded Jewel's new single on your IPOD.
Wild Bill: (thinking to himself, how drunk was I when I promised him this) John, I can't let you drive, you have to have a special license to drive this big old tour bus...
John: No one's gonna know, trust me.
Wild Bill: Okay, I am a little tired.
John: (all excited) Hey guys, where to you want to go?
Robby: (instantly becomes alert) John, what are you going, LOOK OUT! (John takes out a road sign)
John: Would you stop shouting, look what you made me do!
Robby: Would you slow down, geez, I'm all for getting to our destination, but, LOOK OUT, OMG, I think you ran over a dog.
Mike: (looks out window) No it wasn't a dog, it was a squirrel.
John: Robby, you are starting to tick me off, STOP SHOUTING!
Robby: I'll stop shouting when you stop hitting things, LOOK OUT! (Bus takes out a fire hydrant)
Robby: Okay, that's it. Bill, you cannot let John drive, I don't care what you promised him. (bus comes to screeching halt)
John: Robby, mind your own business, I can drive if I want to, who died and left you boss.

Rest of band and crew bail as they realize this argument could go on for hours!

Hi BlueDust - I went to the concert up here in Darien by myself. My boyfriend said "No Way!" too. I think my firefigher is intimidated (LOL). So I went, met more people I thought I would there! I had a great time!! U go girl!! Nice map. I wonder what the rest of this bus looks like. I wonder how much it costs to fill this up??

Hi, Lisay52200, hows it going?
What is wrong with our men? The Goo Goo Dolls are the best band in the world...I think our men are just envious of their talent and good looks. I want to introduce you to 2394, Marryann777, googirl1, gooangela, Missy,hornyillangel, indymom, only4her,and girlintx(if I missed anybody,I'm sorry)...Come and join the fun,and blog with us girls...Have a great day....BlueDust

How is everyone today? I'm sorry you had to go to the concert without you boyfriend Lisay52200, my boyfriend likes the Goo Goo Dolls!!! Anyways, hope everyones SUNDAY is going good.....Hi BlueDust.....*waves to BlueDust*.....and everyone, take care!!!

Hey girlintx and Lisay52200! I'm so glad we have two new blog buddies! I hope you ladies have fun in here. I'm doing great. My Sunday has been awesome so far and I'm hangin' with a friend tonight so.... it's awesome! Anyway, how bout you ladies? Anything fun and exciting in your lives? Love to you!

Missy and googirl1, read my blog on the picture with the Badtz about the date. You guys are so sweet! How are you guys doing? I am still recovering from the flu but I am almost 100%. My friend Laura has better internet than me and I got to see the exclusive videos and live performances and I was in heaven! I have dial-up so it is not the best.

John, I wish you would be buckled in a seat, what would happen if you were in a crash? Sorry(its because i'm a mom to 3 psycho boys),Ido love this picture, John is SO FINE!

hey gooangela, just wanted to do a shout out to ya, thanks for the kind words....take care everyone!!!

Why thanks girlintx! I am mucho happy about you being with us!

Hi girlintx, I'm glad you joined in! So where do you find guys who like our Goos? I've been looking but I can't seem to find one. lol. (: And BlueDust I think you're right, the men are just jealous, but I guess there's a lot to be jealous of. (: Have a great night everyone!

This pic is soo amazing!! Looking good John!! AMAZING show in Tampa!! So glad i met you guys!!! btw i loved your qoutes nativegoo and only4her

gooangela-....All do respect my lovely girl....I have had men chasing me my whole life...none of them have caught me yet...and I am a go getter...I believe all things are possible....My God taught me that...I love this man with every fiber in me...since the day I heard Iris on the radio. I am obsessed ...yes...so be it. I am not in the least bit embarassed about what I say. So...yes I do think he would take interest....how could he not when he knows I just do not lust his beautuful body...I also love his beautiful mind and I am in love with his heart. I think very much like him....and I would never hurt him. I would be true to him until the day I died....and I would never be jealous of all of his girly fans....because they like you ...cannot help but love him...he is a star. For the other Goo members...yes I love them too...especially Robby ....but only because johnny loves them....if they were to desert him...he would still make it on his own...he only needs his guitar and his words...and he is the star....in my eyes anyway. No disrespect to the other dudes...Robby and MIkey!! You are cool...but johnny is the coolest...and I only have eyes for him. hahahhaaha!

Indymom and googirl...It is funny you brought up Rick Springfield. He was my first crush at the age of 10. He was way too old for me...now johnny on the other hand is only 5 years older than I...haha. Yes....I am a dreamer...Indymom...you should have sent that letter. You might be married to ol' Duran Duran dude today,haha. I may come across as immature...and I do not care. I am immature. I am very childlike...and I like myself that way. I am no stick in the mud like I could be.
Lyrics are someone's thoughts and beliefs...I know johnny through his music. I could care less if he had problems...I would help him..and insinuating he is really a careless jerk in real life is very offending to me...and I bet it is to him also. He puts his heart and soul into his life's work. He believes in it....and he is helping millions of people through real life problems by sharing his heartaches. He has helped me through many rough times in my life...through his song and rhythm.... please do not insult his character...it hurts me deeply. You can insult mine...but not his. He deserves respect not just girls lusting after his body...I know how that feels..never to be loved for who I am...only for my looks. It is a cruel thing to do that to someone...at least in my opinion. Our looks all fade away...and we all get old and wrinkled. That is not true love. True love is loving the heart of someone. God bless you all. I hope I did not offend you.

Hey johnny...I not only was a School Bus driver...I also taught the classroom side for the Drivers...I will teach you to drive that bus.....hire me...I need a job....I do not want to go and draw blood....it sucks...come on..hire me as your Bus driver...I have legit references...come on...I will drive you all over and you will sleep like a baby!!!!! PLeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAse? Pretty please with sugar on top? I will be nice...and I will not bug you..unless you want me to.

I've Been Loving You For over 11 Years Now, We've Got History. Many More To Come ;)

Stgweneviere, you know that you would bug the shit out of John if you drove their bus. You can't even leave him alone on the internet. I'm sorry to be a bitch, but I am a bitch when it comes to people like you. I really am NOT a mean person though, I swear. I'm just trying to get it through to you that you are probably freaking John out a little bit. Now I know that's not what you want. How can you possibly know all of this stuff about him and know that he is the one for you just by listening to his songs? He doesn't tell his life story, ALL of his current situations, and every little tid-bit of his life in his songs. I don't "love" John for his body either. I "love" John because he's nice, sweet, caring, a great songwriter, and blah, blah, blah, but notice how I put ("") around the love part of it? I'm not in love with him and you aren't in love with him either. As for Robby and Mike, they are part of the band too and you need to respect them for that, not just because John does. You are far too infatuated with him and it's a little disgusting. You say you take offense to people who say that John is really a careless jerk in life........ well I take offense to people who think that about Robby and Mike. I'm sorry, but I'm a REAL and TRUE Goo Goo Dolls fan, but what are you?

Hey gooangela (love ya tons),I know she's a thorny problem to all of us, even John. Like I said before she is getting a charge out of everbody's negative blogs towards her...She only wants attention...Let her stay in her make believe world...Nothing we say to her is going to change how she blogs...I know it angers you, and the other girls (me too), but it's pointless to blog to her when there is no one home... Luv ya BlueDust

Hey Ladies, how's it going, BlueDust...you crack me..."when there's no one home"....oh how funny, I agree with you gooangela.....you can't really LOVE someone you don't personely know!!! Loce all...talk later.

Good point, BlueDust. However, I tried to stuff a sock in the psychologist side of me, and it ain’t happening. Gooangela IS a very sweet, caring person, with obvious concern for the welfare of everyone here... not just the Goos. Reading her posts, anyone can see that. Jennifer, I think you missed the point of ‘let go and let God.’ Unless the great Sylvia Browne is hiding amongst us (Hello, Sylvia?) probably no one here is claiming to know the identity of anyone else’s soulmate... no one has told you you’re right or wrong, that I’ve read. Disturbing, disruptive, and begging posts are unlikely to wake Johnny up to the realization that you are The One, if he even bothers to read the moblog. Has he contacted you yet? Right. Just a couple of reality-check thoughts; You did meet, and he was unmoved to get to know you better then. Second, his current live-in love might be a hint that he has a life without you. Perhaps sending private letters to Johnny would be the possible ‘other way’ you asked for. Most of us were only trying to help you. K, shutting up again for good. :) This makes my stomach churn for some reason... outta here for a while!

OOOOPPS....that last part was suposed to be Love all....my bad....oh and missy I found my man ...who likes the GOOS....when I was studying to become a volunteer EMT....he is an EMT and we had some ride a longs together, and it was him who turned me on to the Goo Goo Dolls.....so that's my story!! Blog ya'll later.

gooangela I'm glad you care about everybody's well being here, ...I care about everybody's well being too, until they cross that certain line...There's a lot of B.S in relm right now...I tend to close the doors on those who rub me the wrong way...One of my college professors told me that it is not healthy to associate with those who are negative...That's all I was trying to say...Sorry if I came off the wrong way...I love SeattleSiren's wisedom. She's a wise women...Tons of hugs BlueDust

Hey girlintx I'm doing fine...How about you? Sorry for sounding like a nut cake...Anyway how's your day going? I'm glad your boyfriend like the GGD music...I wish the guy I'm dating did...That's okay,cuz I can go goo with you and the other girls...HAHA!! Blog you later... BlueDust

Hey SeattleSiren how's it going...I'm officially on retirement in the psychology department....No more stuffing socks for me...I love your wisedom....BlueDust

OHHH NOOO! :D It's all good, BD! I was agreeing w/U. :) You're a cool-kitty in my book, too. ;) Y'all caught me on a day that my willpower against 'feeding the trolls,' as Empath said (HA HA, ROFL), is at a low. :( We'll chitter-chatter l8r, when I get my dander patted back down. lol! (((hugs)))

I love Sylvia Brown too SeattleSiren...There are times I wish I could speek to her personally...This way she can resure me that the path I'm taking in life is the right one...Anyway enough with my drama...I'll blog you later...Luv ya BlueDust

  • Missy and googirl1, read my blog on the picture with the Badtz about the date. You guys are so sweet! How are you guys doing? I am still recovering from the flu but I am almost 100%. My friend Laura has better internet than me and I got to see the exclusive videos and live performances and I was in heaven! I have dial-up so it is not the best.

  • Hey girlintx and Lisay52200! I'm so glad we have two new blog buddies! I hope you ladies have fun in here. I'm doing great. My Sunday has been awesome so far and I'm hangin' with a friend tonight so.... it's awesome! Anyway, how bout you ladies? Anything fun and exciting in your lives? Love to you!

  • How is everyone today? I'm sorry you had to go to the concert without you boyfriend Lisay52200, my boyfriend likes the Goo Goo Dolls!!! Anyways, hope everyones SUNDAY is going good.....Hi BlueDust.....*waves to BlueDust*.....and everyone, take care!!!

  • Hi, Lisay52200, hows it going?
    What is wrong with our men? The Goo Goo Dolls are the best band in the world...I think our men are just envious of their talent and good looks. I want to introduce you to 2394, Marryann777, googirl1, gooangela, Missy,hornyillangel, indymom, only4her,and girlintx(if I missed anybody,I'm sorry)...Come and join the fun,and blog with us girls...Have a great day....BlueDust

  • Hi BlueDust - I went to the concert up here in Darien by myself. My boyfriend said "No Way!" too. I think my firefigher is intimidated (LOL). So I went, met more people I thought I would there! I had a great time!! U go girl!! Nice map. I wonder what the rest of this bus looks like. I wonder how much it costs to fill this up??

  • John: Please Wild Bill, can I drive, there isn't much traffic. And besides, you promised I could drive if I downloaded Jewel's new single on your IPOD.
    Wild Bill: (thinking to himself, how drunk was I when I promised him this) John, I can't let you drive, you have to have a special license to drive this big old tour bus...
    John: No one's gonna know, trust me.
    Wild Bill: Okay, I am a little tired.
    John: (all excited) Hey guys, where to you want to go?
    Robby: (instantly becomes alert) John, what are you going, LOOK OUT! (John takes out a road sign)
    John: Would you stop shouting, look what you made me do!
    Robby: Would you slow down, geez, I'm all for getting to our destination, but, LOOK OUT, OMG, I think you ran over a dog.
    Mike: (looks out window) No it wasn't a dog, it was a squirrel.
    John: Robby, you are starting to tick me off, STOP SHOUTING!
    Robby: I'll stop shouting when you stop hitting things, LOOK OUT! (Bus takes out a fire hydrant)
    Robby: Okay, that's it. Bill, you cannot let John drive, I don't care what you promised him. (bus comes to screeching halt)
    John: Robby, mind your own business, I can drive if I want to, who died and left you boss.

    Rest of band and crew bail as they realize this argument could go on for hours!

  • come sit by me....

  • Go 2394! Hope you're date goes well, and ditto to what BlueDust said about the hairy legs. (: And indymom I've never seen the lead singer for Duran Duran, but of the music I've heard I like it, actually I think they played at a club downtown here a couple years ago. Well have a great night everyone!

  • Hey 2394, Your date is tonight. I am sure he is a nice guy. Have lots of fun! And glad to here you are feeling better. gg1

  • Mmmmm. I love Johnny!

  • Hey 2394,I forgot to wish you good luck on your first date(Good Luck)...Hope you left your legs hairy..HAHAHA You know what I mean...Tell me how your date went? Lots of Hugs BlueDust

  • Oh yes, I am so glad that you are feeling better 2394. I would have brought some chicken soup to you, too!

  • OH YEAH!!!!! Go 2394, WOO HOO!! I'm so excited for you and I CANNOT wait to hear how it goes tonight!

  • Hey, indymom hows it going? Thank you for sharing the Duran Duran story with us girls...I'm a huge fan of Duran Duran...I wish I could have seen them in concert the last time they were out here in California (last summer I think) John Taylor has been sobber for years now...I love him for getting off that shit (drugs)..Anyway Have a great day I will blog you sooooon... Hugs BlueDust

  • Put your arms around me or just me let put my arms around you - can I wake up where you are?

  • googirl----Rick springfield!!!What a hottie! ;)

  • BlueDust and Missy thanks for the offers of chicken soup! I am feeling better now and am going on the first date tonight! Hope you are all well, gooangela and googirl1! Have a great day. I will blog you all and tell you about the date!

  • Indymom, Thank you for sharing that with us. It is funny cuz I was crazy over (don't laugh) Rick Springfeild. I still adore is music only. I did the whole pictures on my wall from teen beat (remember that, I think it is still out)? And I am know like, I can not believe I was so crazy about him in the way that I was. But the truth is we grow up to be adults have families and mature. And think "what the hell was I thinking?" well thanks again for sharing. Have fun shopping with you daughter. gg1

  • Hey Bill, when can I drive? It's a red light, just switch seats with me, I can't stand sitting next to Mike. He's getting food all over me.

  • I forgot to say in above comment...that while my perception of John Taylor of Duran Duran was of a nice guy...sweet, sexy etc...that was NOT the "real" John. In reality he was addicted to cocaine or heroin and used drugs on a daily basis. Just because you see someone in videos or in concert or whatever, doesn't mean they are really that person. I'm not saying the Goos are like that, but let's face it, there are things that we don't know...or don't want to know....anyway, that's really it....I have to go shopping with my daughter now! Love ya'll lots

  • Hi again everyone (gooangela, Blue Dust, Missy, 2394, Seattle Siren, blueberry,and anyone else). Ya'll are so cute (you girls, I mean) I already saw my Goo concert for the year in July and I was so excited, I couldn't stand it! I really hope ya'll stay safe at them!

    I have to tell a story that will show my age, but here goes...When I was 15-16, I was "obsessed" with Duran Duran...okay, it was the 80's.This was before the age of the Internet and when MTV still played videos. I had my bedroom covered with Duran posters. Anyway, one time I wrote a letter to John Taylor professing my undying love for him. Man, I thought I was hot stuff!! And so smart. Anyway, for whatever reason, I didn't mail it. Well, I came across it a few years ago (odd how that happened) I read it and it was really just about the dumbest thing I had ever read! I thought at 15 or 16 that I was the most mature thing ever, and how could he not feel the same. Keep in mind that at that time, he was in his early 20's (I think). Anyway, the point is that now I am in my late 30's and the Goos are not much older than me--Mike is exactly one year older-we have nearly the same birthday..mine is 10/11. So, anyway, my point is, that we all have "obsessions" mostly harmless. Also, these guys, as sweet as they may appear to be really don't care that much about us as individuals (as fans, they love us). They have their own lives and LOVES--let's face it...they hear pretty much on a daily basis how cute/great/sexy they are. So, I think they are great, I love their music, it has been around in my life through happy and sad times. I appreciate their artistry. But I also know that I have my own life and LOVES and don't have any illusions of ever becoming true friends with them.

    Man, that was long....hope it made sense!
    Te amo...peace

  • Oh yeah!

  • gooangela that is so not fair! Why can't I have a really cool brother?! Mine is annoying, preppy, and popular, complete opposite of me. But you are so going to have to get your bro an awesome Christmas gift. And good for you with your Ryan guy, he sounds cute, actually he sounds like my crush. He's either 6'0 or close to it, but he has brown eyes, and brown hair, but he is skinny. And he looks adorble with his glasses on... sigh. (: But newayz have you known him long or did you just meet him this year? And most importantly does he like our Goos? (: Jst kidding, it isn't the MOST important thing, but it is up there. I really hope to get to another concert this tour, but if my dad won't take me there are many other options unlike the Anaheim situation. But I am so excited for you! Oh and thanks for reminding me, HI INDYMOM! I knew I left out someone... And ditto to what SeattleSiren said, no harm meant we just all have a tendency to look out for our guys, and when it comes down to it that's what it's all about, supporting our beloved Goos in any way possible no matter what. Have a good night ladies!

  • LOL! Did ya mates feel the wind of that 747 as it flew over, too!? A-hem, and Hiya gooangela-- you’re such a Cutie, and ladies! :) I want to know how Johnny can wear his cap, and not suffer from ‘hat-hair’ afterwards like the rest of us poor slobs!

    (PS: We’re a caring lot here. So feel the love, not picked on. :) I didn’t hear a nay-sayer, nor a dream-squelcher in the bunch, honey pie. Personally, I don’t believe TPTB protect souls from getting hurt... part of free will is being able to hurt, and be hurt by, others. Lessons, and much growing to be done through that. Huh. Oh well, indeed there is free speech, free will... and all the rope in the world one needs to hang themself is free too. ;) So, I’m bowing out... and shoving the psychologist in me back in her closet! lol!)

  • Ok, I promise this is my last comment until somebody else comments.
    stgweneviere, hi. I don't know you, you don't know me, but I would like to say something. I very much agree with SeattleSiren on her comment #35 (she's EXTREMELY wise ;)!). You can't keep chasing John. Well, I guess you could, but it will only end up in heartbreak for you if you seriously love him as much as it seems. I am not trying to be mean or anything, but why do you write comments like that? John might see them, but do you really believe that he will take interest in someone who is writing comments like that about him? We all know that John is a sweet, sweet guy, but not that sweet. Dear, I think you are just a little too obsessed with John. Now I'm not one to judge and I'm not one to tell a complete stranger what to do, but that's just my opinion. I have another question for you........ do you like the entire band? Do you like the GGD just for John? John isn't the Goo Goo Dolls. If he was, it would be the Goo Goo Doll, but it's not because he isn't the only member. I'm not sure what point I'm trying to make by saying that, but are you catching my drift at all? Once again, I'm not trying to start a fight or anything because that's the last thing I want.

  • Psh, where are my manners?!?! On comment #45 there should have been a shout out to 2394, too! Sorry babe!

  • Hey ladies! Um..... Missy I'm glad you're back. I was starting to wonder a lot, but now I don't have to. That really sucks that you won't be coming to the Anaheim show :(. Are you going to anymore GGD concerts this tour? Hey googirl1, I am not going to the concert alone. I am only going to the Anaheim show yes, but not alone. I'm going with my older brother, my sister-in-law, and my friend Destiny. My brother is paying for ALL expenses. Everything from the concert tickets, plane tickets, hotel rooms, food, and whatever else! I'm so excited! I'm glad that you and BlueDust decided to carpool. That will be so fun for you ladies! Hey BlueDust, how are you? I'm doing really great. I had an awesome time at school today. I discovered that I like a guy........ *blush*. His name is Ryan. Guess what's so cool though?! He looks just like a younger version of our Mr. Malinin! I mean he has blonde hair instead of brown (or whatever you want to consider Mike's hair color) and he has blue eyes. He's 6'0" and he's skinny! All his facial features and everything though, I could almost swear he's Mike! Anyway, this is really long, sorry. Hope everybody else is doing well. Shout out to indymom, SeattleSiren, and maryann777! Talk to you later ladies! Love to you!

  • Anyway...if you met me all you suspicious people..you would see that I am sweet..kind and very God fearing...God would not let me hurt such a soul as Johnny's ...and yes I am desperate...he is a superstar...what other way can I get his attention. He is my Elvis Presley!!! So booyah you nay sayers...there is freedom of speech. But...I still love ya all.
    Especially johnny!

  • hahahahaha...that is my motto...Let Go and Let God...How will Johnny ever know I exist if I do not make myself known to him...sorry if I scared ya all...hahaha...I am harmless ...honest...Honest Injun!

  • wow john...nice view...check out those shoulders!.......very sexy!