Submitted by Goo Goo Dolls on

Barbie, I have a myspace page....www.myspace.com/indymomoftwo. I would be happy to exchange emails. Where was the concert in July? I went to one here in Indy in July too. I am 37 (almost 38) and feel old sometimes too! It must be my kids! lol

Now, hope you really left, I don't want you to get into trouble!
Te amo...peace

Barbie and indymom, this is excellent that you guys have made up. I mean, not that making up was entirely in order, but the hostility towards each other and the not so kind words made me sad, especially since all of us were dealing with Jennifer. Anyway, I'm oh so happy that you ladies are cool!
Indymom - thanks very much for your kind words on myspace. I will make it through everything, just like BlueDust did.
Barbie - welcome to our blog family. We have some excellent, excellent ladies in here (not to mention, very wise ladies, too). We have all gotten to know each other and we've helped each other through things. We truly are very caring and very nice. WELCOME! I hope you enjoy it!
BlueDust - I don't know if it was this picture or another (I'm too lazy to check), but I remember reading that, us ladies were the only things that got you through what you went through at work. That made me so happy *sniffle*. You ladies are what is helping me get through my hell days at school right now. I actually stayed home today because I just couldn't handle it. Anyway, I'm glad we helped so much.
All you other ladies - I love ya and I hope your day was/is excellent today. Talk to you later. Love to you all!

Oh my gosh, my friend did THE SWEETEST thing for me! I was having a horrible night last night and she knows all about it because I talked to her about it. Anyway, she had her mom drop a package off at my house today (her mom didn't know I stayed home today though). The package had some candy, a CD with 13 songs (8 of them being GGD songs), and a note. She also gave me a $20 bill and told me that she would pay $20 a day just to see me smile and to keep me smiling. I guess it's taken me a while to see how much people care about me.

WOW, gooangela....that was soooo sweet of her....when we least expect it someone always comes and helps us out!!! Very cool friend you got there!!!

I know girlintx, I feel so special! It's the same friend that is going to the Anaheim show with me on December 30, which is on my b-day by the way. I can't wait! Has your dog recovered from seeing you do the happy dance? Sorry, that was just way funny to me! How was your day today though?

Hi gooangela....I think my dog is gonna be ok.....she is kind of used to seeing me dance like a freak...lol...anyway, my day was just fine, and I already know how your day was...take care!!

gooangela----glad I could be of some help. That is so cool that your friend did that for you. I hope it really made you feel better. Talk to ya'll later!
Te amo...peace

Hey Ya'll. Home now..pizza is in the oven. My husband cooked :) I saw Goo in Green Bay, WI on July 17th. My oldest daughter was with me..she's 19...can't believe I admit I have a child that old! My other daughter (17, egad!!) was going to go with me, but she was in Mexico on a missions trip...The night was great, concert was great, the hugs I got from John, Robby and Mike were something i'll never forget...I could go on, but I must check on dinner. Don't want that pizza to burn! Later Ladies! Barbie
PS I'm not going back to proof read so sorry if I don't make sense!

Barbie---That is great! I am jealous that you got to get some hugs. Wow!
Hope you enjoyed your pizza.
Te amo...peace,

I love your myspace site indymom! (I'm working on mine when I have time). I'm not myspace literate, so i'm not sure how to email you...no bother though, i'll figure it out eventually. Have a great evening :)

Hey Barbie! I hope you don't mind, but I sent in a friend request for ya on myspace. Yes my name is Angela and yes I am wearing a beanie in my picture! I would love to be added to your myspace world!

Gooangela...Great!! My first 'real' myspace friend..other than my kid :)

  • GO DAWGS!!


  • PEZ!

  • Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

  • Very cool, very cool! I love and Robby and his fascination for PEZ, it's soooooo cool! I hope he has some fun searching for PEZ...... love!

  • lol! Figures Robby went to get some new Pez. Love you Rob!

  • Ha Ha! Thanks reecy... I was wondering why they had Greenbay Packers Pez down south. *DUH*

  • Georgia Bulldogs!!! woot

  • I think Robby is in PEZ heaven...Lov it Robby...Hugs and Kisses BlueDust

  • hello CAVITIES...
    lUV YA .....

  • Window shopping. Is that where you were driving? To a PEZ outlet store? :-P

  • Personal stock pile? Or just window shopping??