Submitted by Goo Goo Dolls on

Hey Missy and gooangela, I'm game....you can stop buy and get me...lol....and if ya wanna go through with the plan of kidnapping....I'll supply the van!!!! Ya'll are great, and I'm glad to be on here where I can talk to people like all of you!!! Love to all!!!

I haven't seen them yet, but they're coming here November 8!! Can't wait! Fourth row!

That's perfect girlintx! But after we kidnap the guys who gets to sit next to John? (: I'm so glad that the GGD came up with this idea I couldn'timagine not talking to all of you, just think we'd have no idea that anyone here existed, it's weird isn't it? Talk to you all later! Mucho amor!

Yay girlintx, I'm so glad you're game! I know Missy, I couldn't imagine never having talked to you guys. I mean, especially some of you, if I had never started talking to you, that would have sucked, but then again, I wouldn't know what it was like to never have talked to you so........ anyway, on the matter of sitting by John.... it actually doesn't matter to me. I would like to sit between Robby and John, actually. I guess one of you could sit on John's lap if you really want to.

Wait, that's a stupid reply with "I guess one of you could sit on John's lap if you really want to." Obviously one of you would want to!

Hey missy, gooangela.....now that we know where everyone is gonna sit....who do you suppose is gonna drive the getaway van....LMAO...I'm not very good at driving from the backseat...lol!!!

Missy, gooangela & girlintx, I want to sit on John's lap first. I think I am the oldest, so I go first hehehehe

Oh...I'm also glad they came up with this blog thingy as well....very cool!

2304...you just might be the oldest...lol....I might be!!! So you know what that means? Wait....it's my van so I choose who sits on Jonh's lap 1st......ok 2394 you can go 1st...lol...

sorry...I meant 2394, wow gotta read before I submit!!!

Wow ladies, this is hilarious! How bout the youngest one goes first? I mean, I don't really want to sit on John's lap, but I'm just saying that since I'm the youngest I should go first.... I don't really know why though. Don't you love my stupidity??? I know that between Missy, 2394, and girlintx, I'm the youngest because Missy's b-day is before mine! Anyway, I'm not making too much sense so I'm going to go now. Hope all of you ladies had a good and have a great night! Love you!

Sorry, I meant to say "I hope you guys had a great day**........".

I love those shoes of john's. I love them to death. So want a pair!

Thanks girlintx, I'll be awhile, is that okay? hehehehe I am 37, how old are you?

2394...take your time...lol...I'm 30!!

Goodnight girls, it is almost 11:00 p.m. here in the East, so I am off to bed to read for a bit. If I go down to the tattoo place tomorrow I have to be there when they open to have a chance to get it done, or else wait. Love you all!!

Good luck with the tattoo tomorrow 2394! I hope you can get it.

Good luck 2394!!!

Hey Terigoo, I've never been to a Goo concert (sob).

My appointment is for tomorrow guys. I went down and they were too busy, but the drawing looks good. I will try to post it on the forum. My friend has a digital camera so I will try!

Hey 2394 how did it go with your tattoo? I got one last year and ended up on the front page of the local paper. The paper was doing a story on a tattoo parlor controversy here. Of course the they came in to do interviews and photos right AFTER I passed out. I never look good in a photo - story of my life. And the frien that went with me blabbed to the reporter that I passed out so everyone knew. Oh well, it was definitely worth it. I'm getting another one.

Hey Gabrielle, it went good. I am glad I finally got it done. It did hurt a bit, but it will be worth it when it heals! Thanks!

to answer #27 question;this show is in atlanta;i was there and i really thought johns pants is going to come off.he keeps pulling them up.

is that in atlanta? cause if it is i am right in front of robby in this picture..except you cant see me

So gooangela and nativegoo-did you get your tickets to see live Goo yet? BTW-still smiling from getting next to those arms.....:) Lucky me!

  • does anyone know where this pic was taken? GREAT PIC!!


  • Awww, thank you gooangela....I hope I get to see them one day as well....and thanks for the heads up on John's rosary/dog tag thing!!! Take care everyone!!!

  • Oh I feel rude girlintx! I just completely blew off saying something else on my comment #23...... I hope you get the chance to see one of their shows soon.

  • Haha yeah BlueDust (#16), he definitely blushed! That's what I hear anyway.
    Girlintx, I'm sorry that you can't make it to a GGD show. I have never been to a concert of theirs either. I, fortunately, have the chance to go in December though. Oh and about John's rosary, he switches off with the dog tag and the rosary. I've seen him lately with the rosary.

  • Hey everyone, how are you girls doing? I'm kinda bummed...the Goos are headed my way....well the'll be in Texas today, and I don't have tickets to any of the shows they will be doing here!!! I've never had the chance to see them in concert!! I guess I'll live....a little sad though! Anyways back to the picture.....I didn't know John wore a Rosary, I thought that was his dog tag neckless he has been wearing. Indymom, you are killing me.....you keep posting about the reading mistake someone made, and it cracks me up!!! HAHAHA you are too funny!! Cool pics though!! Ya'll take care.

  • Yes, Gooangela, I Love John's Rosary! :) Bless him for being real! You too ROBBY!

  • cool!!

  • "bitches".................. still roflmao!!!!

  • play that guitar! You guys are awesome.

  • John : Hey guys, look! There's a cross on the monitor!
    Mike : Where?
    John : Over here!
    Robby : Sure there is! Next you'll be tellin' me you see Virgin Mary on your toast!
    John : I'm not kiddin'! There's a cross on the monitor!
    Brad : Is it a cross your hear bra?
    John : You guys are all goin' to hell!
    Robby : Sure, the tour's over and now you invite us to your house. Well, no thanks!
    Mike : Yeah! No thanks!
    John : Mike.
    Mike : Yeah?
    John : Shut up!

  • gooangela-Polishes saugages..I get it... That's way to funny..I wonder if he blushed...

  • His "bitches" are too big...hahahahahah...still roflmao!!!!!

  • Sorry WillWork...When I went back and read it, it did look like bitches. roflmao!

  • He needs to take a break and go the mall.

  • indymom, i totally read "bitches" not "britches" and was thoroughly confused and slightly appalled...of course, now i can read english, so i figured it out.

  • It must be all the weight he's losing....his britches are too big. He needs to go shopping.

  • Sunnydayx - the "Polish girls love Polish sausage" is a poster that a group of Polish girls had at a concert a few weeks back. I wasn't there, but I heard that John saw that poster and he was totally thrown off the song he was singing and had to start over. I heard that from a few people so I can only assume it's true. Hope that clears up any confusion! Oh man live2lovegoo, oh man! That's all I'm sayin'!

  • LOL i think they are falling off too!

    Poor him....lucky us!

  • 7. Posted by gooangela on 9/06/2006 at 03:11 am.
    I hope it's not a repeat of the whole "Polish girls love Polish sausage!"

    Don't quite get it..

  • I hope it's not a repeat of the whole "Polish girls love Polish sausage!". Man, that threw John off his song!

  • I guess we will never know deniblue....

  • lookin' GOOd...wonder what the sign says???

  • Oh wow, it does look like they're falling off...... BlueDust you always make me notice the naughty things!

  • looks like John pants are sliding off of him...Wouldn't that Be a site to see... Just joking John... Lots of hugs and Kisses BlueDust

  • Hey Guys - see you in Dallas!! Thanks for giving so much....

  • Don't you love how John's rosary is caught in mid-air? I wonder what song Robby is performing......? I would love to see him perform "Slave Girl" or "Amigone" live.