Submitted by Goo Goo Dolls on

what the HELL happened in here?!! To think it all started with a monkey with funky boobs. You all are crazy.

just call it strange love LOL

Hey jinfr....the monkey with funky boobs, really got to us!!!! Sorry we couldn't help ourselves!!!

hello wsunicole06.....what's up girl......hows life treating ya?!!!

Ok, turns out that I'm actually addicted to Boobie-Kong! There were too many good times on this picture to just forget about it like that.

lol. I think we all have an addiction to Boobie-Kong if we didn't there'd be no way that we'd have gotten over 1000 comments. We are so going to have to track it down some day.

I think we are all addicted to BOOBIE-KONG gooangeal!!!


Yes, yes we are addicted! I'm going to have to print this picture off as a reminder of how much we loved this picture. It'll be soooooo awesome! I'll hang it on my wall!

With all the new pictures being posted this picture is now on something like page 6! But I , too, keep checking back here for some reason!

lol. gooangela I dunno if I'd hand it on my wall but I'm definately saving this pic. Even as endearing as Boobie-Kong has become to us all, i think I'd still have nightmares if I woke up in the middle of the night to this monkey on the wall grinning like that. I still check this pic too, well ladies I guess we are hopeless, it's on page 6 and we're still commenting. (: Hope you all had a great day!

Ooops Brainfart! I meant "HANG it on my wall" not hand.

It's all good Missy, I got what you were trying to say! Well I did hang Boobie-Kong on my wall, but it's above my head, so I'm not too worried about nightmares! Yes, this picture is on page 6 right now and I don't think I'll ever stop visiting it! Do you ladies think we'll get some kind of recognition (by the guys) for it? That would be awesome!

gooangela that would be so cool if we got recognition! I think we should all ask in the Q&A. That's a good idea about hanging it above your head though. lol. I should put it on my binder with all my other pics and see what kind of reactions I get.

Hi Missy and gooangela! How are you ladies doing? I hope all is well. I think we should keep posting on this pic and see how far we get!

where did everyone go? Boobie-Kong and I are getting lonely!!

oh and Gooangela... I think it would be awesome if we all got recognition for having the most blogs on one picture!!

we could have like that "Boobie-Kong" Emmys.... and the award goes to.....

wsunicole06-hey how's it going?

Hey girls how's it going with you???? Sorry my computer would not allow me on the inernet for the passed few days...I was so bummed...I was starting to have goo withdrawls....Anyway I am so excited that the GGD are play at the House Of Blues in December....gooangela start making your flight plans..Whoo Hoo!!!!

Hey is anybody out there????

Hey stranger (Bluedust) how are ya? Sorry about your computer. I am okay just came from a training in LA with my manager. It was fun. So did you hear about the concert in Dec? I am so happy I can not wait. We are still goin' right! I can not wait! Hi 2394, gooangela, missy, jmt928, wsunicole06 how are you all doing? Hopefully well. Looks like we can't get enough of BOOBIE KONG. That is so awesome though. Hail to the BOOB!

Yep still chech this one too....it's too funny to ley go of....we worked soooo hard to get to the number of posts we are at!!! I wanna say hi to all of my blog family members....hope all is well with you all!!! LOve ya.

Hail to Boobie Kong...Heck yeah we're going together googirl1...It will be a blast...I wonder if the GGD are still going to have the concert at the House of Blues in LA?

Hi girlintx what's up with you?

googirl1 oh, man I can't wait until the concert...I'm dancing in my room with excitement...Training in LA with your boss sounds like fun...Can I have your job? HA!!

SPECIAL shout out to girlntx. Sorry hun, how are ya?

hey googirl1 I'll email you soon..Thank you

Googirl1 have a good night talk to ya soon...Blog all of you girls later..Love to all and to all a good night...ha Love ya guys and sweet dreams to you too.:)

  • i love life!!!!!!!! lol today i didn't have to go to skool again hehehe im such a bludger:P yeah i know first release so hard to get!!!!!!!!!! BAHHH! since i've only been in the world for 15 yrs i havn't had much of a chance to be a long time fan but me n my sisters used to sing along to there songs when they came on the radio so i've sorta always liked there music but for the last few years that i've actually been gaining my identity as my own person ( aka since i been a teenager lol) they just get to me... make me feel awesome and just i love listening to them and they turn me on hahahaha sorry had to add that kinky fact ..(if my openess bothers u.. deeply sorry ) so yer omg FIRE! fire is fun lol we all have a bit of pyromaniac in us i think hehehe well i think we can make it to 200 !!!!! woooooo easy peezy lemon squeezy... bluedust you tell them at work to get stuffed hell if that fails i might be able to get u a job in the funeral industry hahahahaha shame shame my parents are undertakers but u know undertakers sure know how to party this one time we had a big meeting thing to go to in perth (western australia) and greenday was staying in the same motel as us and we got autographs and stuff and my dad and a few other funeral directors there for the meeting went down to the bar and sure enough theres green day drinking! and they challenged my dad to a drinking competition and my father won hahahahaha was so funny i keep saying to everyone "my dad out drank greenday" so yeah pretty darn cool! oh my friend seb is a guy seb is short for sebastian but i call him sebetha :P and no hes not a member he always tell me im a loser for loving the goo goo dolls im like yer whatever ur a loser for not liking them! so yeah eat that sebetha!!!! ok we need a new location to go dream partying witht the goo goo dolls ne ideas? maybe a gay club hahahaha or a retro night club? i dunno u guys can think of some places if yah want as u cans ee im out of ideas hehe yes new fotos!!!! so happy now :D life is great even tho god throws shit at you all the time its just great don't yah rekon ( this is the point where you can throw up or tell me to just shut up either way i know im corny :P ) so ne ways omg time difference im writing to u guys at like 5 in the morning or something and it sux balls!!!! its so annoying but we'll live :) how good is the ong slave girl i was just dancing to it then fun fun fun ne ways peace out everybody kisses and hugs and hellos to absolutley every single goo fan out there have a rockin day/night party with yah in our dreams cya xoxoxoxo

  • Hey googirl1 Long ,long time ago I heard the Goo's song on the radio "Name" The DJ did not announce who the artists were... One day I was shopping in The WHEREHOUSE music store and I ran across one their CDs...I told myself "what the F**k! Who are the Goo Goo Dolls???? I Picked up the CD and turned it over and read the names of the songs...I ran across the song "Name" I all most peeeed in my pants... I told myself " That's the song I heard on the radio". I put the CD back...Sorry guys I didn't buy the CD that day, cuz I didn't have the money....Yes, I know ,so, so sad.....Anyway, a few years later I was watching music video on tv, and I was just about to turn off the tv when the next video came on... The video got hold of my attention and I sat back down in my chair... When video was almost over over the title of the video(Iris) and the Artists name(GGD) appeared on the Tv screen and I just about fainted...I told myself "Oh my GOD... THE GOO GOO DOLLS" I was very excited..That day I went out and bought the soundtrack to the movie"City of Angels." I played, and played the "iris" I have been a huge fan since, but it never dawned on me to see them in concert...When Gutterflower came out I told myself I was going to their concert...About a month later I was involved in a serious car accident..I was very devasted that I could'nt make it to their concert..After my accident I lost interest in going to any concert...Boy, was I stupid...Oh, well can't complain about the past too much...I very tired now...I'm going to stop Bantering Lots of love to you all...BlueDust

  • Oh I'm oh so happy about the new pictures! Anyway, ladies I'm the pathetic one here! I've only been a die hard GGD fan since May 4, 2006! I've been a casual fan since back in 1996 or so, but I wasn't a huge fan until this year. My favorite song as a casual fan was "Slide", but the song that made me a die hard fan was "Better Days". It had a ton of meaning to me at the point in time that I heard it, so that's that.
    As far as my favorite songs goes, the list is from 0-8! This is the order (and these ARE in particular order because of several different reasons):
    0 = "Iris"
    1 = "Without You Here"
    2 = "Big Machine"
    3 = "Two Days In February"
    4 = "Broadway"
    5 = "Cuz You're Gone"
    6 = "What A Scene"
    7 = "Here Is Gone"
    8 = "On The Lie"
    There ya have it! As for GGD concerts, I have never been to one, but I am dying to go to one.

  • Wow I feel embarassed, I've only been a Goo fan for about 4 going on 5 years, they had just released Gutterflower. I was young though and I hadn't discovered the radio or music outside of R&B and Old School (shudders), actually it was around that time my dad got me into Classic Rock... But my favorite song is Here Is Gone and I've only been to 1 GGD concert back in June and they didn't play Here Is Gone. ): I would give anything to see that song live.

  • Hey googirl1....I have been a fan since SUPERSTAR CARWASH was released....and I heard we are the normal, I was hooked....as for the concerts, I've never been to one...and they did 3 shows here all around me...ok I'm off to hang my head and cry....oh btw, my fave song for a deeper meaning is Acoustic #3 and I never get tired of hearing Big Machine!!!

  • Hey googirl1 I have only been to two goo concerts..I know I'm preety sad...I have been in a coma for the past ummmm nine years....Hey googirl1 sorry for the lazy peole at your work..Hire me I'm a hard worker......

  • Sorry I spoke too soon we have new pics! cool

  • Well Bluedust,2394,Missy,Gooangela,Only4her,Horneylilangel71,Girlntx,Indymom,Wsunicole06,Annabanana,Juan,SeattleSiren,Krusher1969,Musicmaze,Jinfr,Willwork4Goo(metoo),Lisay52200,Stargirl,Blueberry,Locks61,Cortney and any else I forgot(sorry) it seems that we will not have pictures here for a while. Our Boys are on vacation living the good life. I am sure they are relaxing reading our blogs. So I thought I might spice it up a bit hoping we can reach 200 blog on this funky, monkey(with saggy bobbies) picture. Maybe well all cheer-up too. Some of us have had a crazy week, homework, too much work and lazy people at work (those are the people I work with), and pain in the rear co-workers. So I thought I might ask all of you (hope you don't think it is cheesy) how long have you been goo fans for, what song did it for you, how many concerts etc... Curiosity Kill the Cat! Big gooey hugs to all! Blog you all soon!
    BTW-Mine is: Goo fan since 1998, fav song Slide (Duh), 7 concerts and if they have the 2 in Dec in Cali that will be 9 Yah!

  • lol. You just gotta love the long comments. Thanks SeattlSiren for the hugs and hellos! gooangela I so wan to have a bonfire and burn all my homework! That's so awesome that you and your friends do that. I would so love to have a bonfire w/ my friends, but one of my best friends is a pyromaniac, and the other one has managed to burn water, plus I'm clumsy enough to fall into the fire, while one of my best friend watches and stares at the flames and the other one tries to help but ends up catching on fire. As for the rest of my friends they never seem to notice when I have near death experiences, so I don't think it would work, but maybe a BBQ pit... Hey annabanana I didn't know that the seasons were different too. IT"S SUPPOSED TO RAIN TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soooooooo happy! I hate the sun and love the rain and cold, so I'm beyond happy. But what I REALLY like to do when it rains is pull up my blinds, turn out the lights & wtch Live In BUffalo, with a bowl of ice cream, 5 blankets, and my teddy bear. For me it doesn't get much better than that. NEwayz I don't think I'd mind summer all that much if I were in Australia though, w/all the hot guys on the beach. (: How hot does it get out there anyways? Well I gotta finish up some homework, I had a couple tests today and have a couple tomorrow so there's not much homework. YES! gooangela I am so envious, I LOVE thunderstorms! Except when playing softball,cuz it just turns out bad. Well shout outs to all of you! I will talk to you all later!

  • Well I'm glad to know that we're all hugged, loved, and kissed by you SeattleSiren! I know, you really have to concentrate when you come to this picture, especially because we're writing long comments. I really want to hear your monkey boob joke so you better come back to tell it!

  • Uh oh... head exploding! *SPLAT!* It's like an evil game of 'concentration!' If I post here, and so do you, consider yourself HUGGED and HI-d by me from now on! LOL! I'll even throw in sloppy wet kisses from the Rover-oli! In a rush... can't read... be back later... ahhhhh!!!! Monkey Boobs??? Damn, got a joke for that one, but it'll have to wait!

  • Oh no....and a shoutout to ONLY4HER....sorry bud, didn't mean to forget you, or anyone else for that matter!!!

  • gooangela....girl you ae nuts...love ya girl....so here we go....Hi BLUEDUST, GOOANGELA, 2394, ANNABANANA, WSUNICOLE06, INDYMOM,GOOGIRL1,LISAY52200, JUAN, MISSY, SEATTLESIREN, Aand anyone I forgot...WHEW......that was a mouth full now I need a drink!!! Love ya all!!!

  • Sorry, but now I have to post a third comment so that I can be #100 again! WOO HOO!!!!!!

  • Haha.... my comment #98 is almost longer than #69! I love it!

  • I'm sorry about the different time zone juan, it sucks. It's too bad that you're all the way in the UK because then you have to be up at like 4:00 in the morning to blog with the rest of us. Don't feel too bad though. 2394 is in Canada and a lot of the time she has to be up kind of late if she wants to catch all of us while we're online. Just remember that we'll always respond to your comments, no matter what time you post them. About finding First Releases..... I've been able to find that on amazon. It's really expensive though to get a new copy instead of used. I would copy and paste the link to it on amazon on here, but my links usually get all screwed up. I just looked on amazon and for a new copy, prices start at $79.99. There actually is a brand new copy on amazon, not used, and it's $149.49. Way too expensive in my opinion and that would be why I don't have First Releases. I have ALL of their other CDs, but not First Releases.
    So annabanana, you yelled at your geography teacher? That's hilarious! I've only yelled at my teacher once and she just warned me not to do it again, so I didn't because I was far too scared of her. So, a beach party with the guys huh? That would be fun! I'm not much of a beach person myself, but if the guys are there and they're performing then it's cool with me! Hey you mentioned something about your friend Seb........ is that a guy or a girl? And is he or she a member of the IM? Anyway, a bonfire to burn all of our homework would be cool! I have a bonfire with my friends at the end of every school year to burn our homework. There's something that's just incredibly satisfying about seeing your homework burn. Oh yeah, about stealing my award for writing the longest comment...... it's possible to do that, really it is. I mean, once you get all of your thoughts out and once you've addressed all of the people you wanted to say something to, your comment is bound to be lengthy. I mean I'm not even done writing this comment and I'm sure it's way long.
    Alright...... well I stayed home today because I'm sick. I hate having a cold. It sucks in the first couple of weeks of school because it seems like EVERYBODY is tired and sick. When I was at school on Tuesday, everyone was sick with colds and sinus problems. Anyway, I hope the guys post some new pictures before they head over to the UK. I mean I'm totally cool with having like 500 comments on one picture, but I want to see new pictures too.
    Alright well I'm off to make me something to eat. I have to shut the computer down for a while because we have a huge and pretty severe lightning and thunderstorm going on and I don't want the computer to get hurt. Sorry that this is so long again. You can ask anyone who I write emails with if I usually write comments, blogs, and emails this long and they'll probably tell you that I usually write longer ones, because I do. Anyway, hi to EVERYONE and ALL IM members! *waves to everyone* I shall talk to all of you later tonight. Love!

  • Sorry Juan different time zone..Don't you hate that??? How are you doing by the way? As for me everything would be fine if the people at my work would stop playing bloody politics towards me. I guess they are trying to get me to quit, but I have my heels planted firmly into the ground...It's going to take more than politics to get me to quit...Boy it really feels good to vent...Thank you...Tell me what part of the UK do you live in? Well Juan have a great day...I will blog you later...Hugs BlueDust

  • these time zones do my head in it's 16.26 here in the uk on thurs' 14 sept. i never seem to be bloggin when anyone else is on?

  • hi to you all very cheesy pic of this monkey ,do u think we will get any more pics soon or will we av 2 wait til sept29 not tht i'm complaining.#annaban' i have huge probs gettin thr first release neve was released over here in th uk so i have friends on th look out 4 it when thy go to th states.thts next week so i hope to be lucky ths time.oh an some of us on here also are not sure on how to use the forum so yr not on yr own....




    HI W6 AND 23! ALSO OFH

    hope ya'll know who that is!!

    {whispering} gooangela--jr is jinfr.

    Love ya'll

  • oh um Missy if you go too amazon.com you can buy most of there albums all i gotta get is a cd with lazy eye on it and what i learnt about.... annnnnd um their first release i reallly wanna get it but i cant find it anywhere and um oh yeah and im still here by johnny i love that song its the bomb!!!!! ne way omg! i totally agree with yas on the homeowrk thing it just goes to show its the smae in different countries i get so much homework its like um hello we may look like young adults but we are still kids damn it!!!! we wanna party with the goo goo dolls damn you!!!! homeowrk suks i say we blow it all up and feed it to the sharks or have a big bonfire night! i like the bonfire night myself what do you guys rekon??? either way hehehe love yas all G'night/ G'day!!!! xoxoxo

  • ok everyone i have a plan!!! how bouts we just say shout outs to everyone? maybe then we don't leave out everyone lol coz i always forget somone im so glad i can talk to you guys coz im a raving lunatic when it comes to my friends im like goo goo dolls this and goo doo dolls that and there like ummmmmm.. ok cool :| lol but they don't mean it in a mean way just they don't really care lol but now i have awesome ppls to tlak to about them!!! so just lettin yas know u all kick ass!!! and u still have to try vegemite!!!! hehehehe oh my friend seb said they mite call it aussie-mite there i dunno hey where exactly are you guys? oh gooangela i got suspended for yelling at my geography teacher but it wasn't even that bad coz what happened was i was getting realllly angry with her and then i got a test score back and it was completely bias coz she doesn't like me and all i got was a 13 out of 20 and it wasn't worth 13 i knew it so i just walked out and tehn she came out and started getting stuck into me and asked why i walked out and i said because i was pissed off and u annoy the S&#@ out of me and then i got suspended thats all i said grrr anyways over that now :D smiles all around and parties!!!!! and your rite i should have a cool beach aprty with the guys from goo!!! ok next aprty on beach with goo all invited capish?? cooooool! omg thats so weird its getting cold where u guys are guess what!!! its getting reeaaallly nice and warm where i am and that mean more guys with no shirts at the beach muhahaha boys boys boys boys!!!! lol all invited to crash at my place and check em all out! im so glad beach season is finally here yay!!! im alowwed the day off tomorrow to go to the beach with a friend and i got the day off skool today to go shopping but mum said no more days off after that damn but oh well retail therapy today was fun fun fun! anyway i think i've blogged enough don't wanna steal gooangelas award.. sorry if i have already hehehe peace out ya'll party in my dreams tonight bring cool swimmers..WE'RE GOING TO THE BEACH WITH THE GOO GOO DOLLS!!!!!!!!..... (in dreams) see yas all there party on woot!!!! love annabanana xoxoxo

  • oops I meant greatest* not gre=test or whatever I put. I'm delirious and am going to bed now. (: Good night!

  • Hey gooangela, I hope you're feeling ok. I agree they give us way too much homework! My parents don't even remember having homework, but the lived in East Side San Jose, not the greas=test area, but still, it's not fair. My bro is doing mainly all CP classes and he has like no homework, I'm insanely jealous. Thanks for the support, my goal for this year is to just survive. (: Actually I just finished mine and am going to catch as much sleep as my allergies will allow. I will talk to you tomorrow chica! And feel better, oh I am sending you an imaginary bowl of chicken noodle soup right now so enoy! (: Much love!

  • Haha see, I forgot three people that I've remembered in my list on #87....... musicmaze, juan, and hornylilangel. Hi!

  • Oh wsunicole06, I'm so, so, so sorry for not including you in my hellos or shout outs. I feel really bad, but I always forget people because our family here is sooooooooo huge that's impossible to remember all of you. I really am sorry though, please forgive me. It's like Missy said, you should know that you've always been and always will be part of our blogging family, not to worry. How are you though? UPDATE US!
    Wow Missy, you have some hard classes too! Isn't it so insane how much we go through and do as teenagers/high schoolers? It's almost to the point of ridiculous I think. Anyway, you'll do good though and I know you'll succeed! Oh and about the guys reading our comments...... I wouldn't feel embarrassed about anything so it's all good for me! The popcorn in the boobs thing was hilarious though Missy!
    Aw thanks for sayin' that Missy and I are smart cookies BlueDust, that's special. I'm apprehensive about high school, but this is my second year in it so at least I'm surviving. Anyway, my day was alright today, thanks for asking. I'm sick and I had to stay home for the day and probably tomorrow too. Oh well. I can't wait to hear your story in December.
    Ok, just so that I don't write a repeat of #69, I'm going to go and wait for new comments. I'm going to try and name our entire blogging family, but if I forget anyone, please forgive me.
    wsunicole06, BlueDust, 2394, Missy, girlintx, googirl1, SeattleSiren, jodienix5, locks61, Gabrielle, only4her, Lisay52200, faithbetterdays, indymom, Blueberry, melanie, annabanana, Krusher, and maryann777. Like I said, if I forgot anybody I apologize. Have a great night everyone and an excellent day tomorrow!

  • Hiya BlueDust! I'm taking a break from homework at the moment but I still have a couple hours left. Isn't it awesome how big our blogging family is? I wonder how many comments we'll have when the guys get back. Oh God! What if they are reading our comments! I mean what if they get insanely bored or something, and decide to read through some of the pics. That's all need is for the guys to read my story of popcorn in my boobs. That'd be mortifying! Lol well I need to get back to work. Good night!

  • Hello,2394, gooangela maryann777,Missy,wsunicole06 indymom
    Lisay52200,girlintx, hornyillangel71,googirl1 Krusher1969,
    locks61,jaun,and annabanna.....If I forget anybody I'm sorry, please forgive me...Wow our blog family is big...I would like to see it grow some more..You all have a great night..Don't study to hard gooangela and Missy...You girls have some tough classes...You girls are smart cookies..ummmm cookies, hey 2394 I want some of those cookies you baked...Anyway you all have a good night...Luv ya BlueDust

  • Hey gooangela! Yeah I was beginning to wonder where you were, but your class load is insane! Except we don't have an Honors program, we have AP though. I am taking AP American Literature, Ap Psychology, pre-ap Pre-Calc, pre-aop Spanish 3, CP American history, and cp chemistry. ( I took Bio last year cuz I was scared of Chem, so I had to move down to cp. I can't believe you're taking AP American History, as good as I am in History I could never do an AP history class. But last year I had about 2-3 all nighters a week, this year looks like it'll be more once we really get into school. And BlueDust we all wish our lives were peaches and cream, actually I like cookies and cream better, but that's irrelevant. (: Like you said just stay positive and I can't imagine what it'd be like to never know any of you wonderful ladies. Have a good night, I have more homework to do. Yay! (sarcasm)