Submitted by Goo Goo Dolls on

Awww...thanks gooangela :)I'm so glad to have a place to speak what's on our mind, good or bad. I'm glad everyone here is so willing to see all points of view. My kids always laugh at my saying "Opinions are like assholes...everyone has one and everyone thinks everyone elses stinks". Unfortunately that's how most of the world is. But not here. We all respect each other and everyones opinions. We're not here to berate one another, but to listen to another view, and hopefully take at least a little bit from it. That's cause we're all gooriffic! Geez that's bad. Anyway, have a fab day everyone!! Love to all my goo family!

oh! i should say, don't click on it, it's not a link, you have to copy and paste it into a new window for it to work properly! :-)

Wow, so many great comments. Katrina is the worst disaster to hit the US, it will take a very long time to rebuild. It took a long time after Hurricane Andrew too. I hope the corporations that contributed to the Dome are also giving to rebuild schools and hospitals etc. I talked to someone the other day whose husband just accepted a teaching position in N.O., very cool to hear of someone moving there, not moving away!
Thanks guys for helping the people of N.O. escape their surroundings for a while and making all the rest of us appreciate what we do have!

Alright barbie54114, you're too awesome and amazing! I love all of the comments you've left. I think it's so great that you feel comfortable enough to speak your mind in here, but that's how we are in here, we're like family! Keep speaking your mind, we all want to hear more of it.
Hey anna! Um...... I'm doing alright I guess. I actually had THE BEST day at school today, although I was crying during my entire ride home. I just told myself that I was bound and determined to have a great day and that's what I did. I think this picture and all your ladies' comments have had an influence on me! The reason I was crying though is because the guy that I like (that I've been stuck on now for almost a year and a half) is such a jerk sometimes, but yet I can't let him go. I could see him standing on the platform waiting for a different train and I just realized that I seriously CANNOT get over him. I wanted to get off my train so bad and go to his, but I resisted and it was extremely difficult. The saddest part about it is that he's one of my best friends. There's a song that I'm really stuck on right now called "Hollow". It's by Nick Black. The lyrics to it are just so perfect for my situation. My favorite part of it goes like this........"You're waisting time, but so am I, the pictures on the wall. Wherever you go you and I both know that I will follow. You're tasting life and so am I, we stumble and we fall. Whenever you go you and I both know, you leave me hollow." It's such a perfect song for so many situations. Anyway, that's how I'm doing, anna. I have nicknames, definitely! Lets see...... agnels, ange, angie, loser-face, and butt. I know the last two are odd, but that's what happens when you have odd friends! How are you?

Hey you guys...I just read somemore of what you all wrote & have to say to barbie54114 -thank you so much for sharing with us what you & your company that you work for did! I have goosebumbs from reading that...Huge tradedy's that happened here & the things that so many did, donating their time away from their loved ones to help others when they needed help - didn't hesitate for a second & just got out there & did all they can. The compassion & generosity of what so many people did -what the guys did- that I'm so emotional even typing this right now. Our company is very small, 4 people total, but I typed up a flyer & stuck it up & went to the store & bought the items that I got off a list on the internet that were most needed like the water, diapers, wetwipes, canned foods. I won't forget the next day after I put the flyer up-one of our guys came in carrying 2 cases of bottled water & a big bag of diapers-he's a big burly guy & has no children, but to see him with the diapers on top of the waters, just touched something in me. And I seen it in the other people in the shop-their reaction. And this other guy who comes in & fixes our machines when they go down -our good buddy, "Pete"-his wife & 2 kids adopted a dog from the waters of Louisana that lost her family. At first she was a very frightened dog -God knows what she went through, & wondered what happened to her family but,I ask Pete all the time now how "Daisy" is doing & he said she's great & happy & they all love her. So many giving people in the world. It was nice to hear everyone speaking out on this-I'm glad something was stirred up to get people talking again -I agree, Missy comment#22 that maybe this team can get unity back- if that's what it takes to get things going --to get the ball rolling again & get these people the help they still need that are still suffering. Thanks to the Goo Goo Dolls - you truly bring out the best in us so we can all get to know each other even more. Thanks, again you guys.

This is such a poignant picture. So sad. My heart goes out to those who were affected.

Oh shit I hope no one was hurt...

sorry brain fart I thought it was a car accident...Boy do I feel stupid

jadebach that is a great story, stuff like this really makes you realize that there are good people out there even though all we seem to hear about is how many people have killed another in the course of the day. Abd like jadebach I just want to say thank you to the Goo Goo Dolls for bringing such a great group of people together in one place where we can express our opinions freely AND enjoy the greatest band in the world. (: I hope you are all having a wonderful day, mucho amor amigas!

Hey gooangela! I'm glad that you had a great day, mine wasn't all that bad, not great but survivable. lol. I've got some pretty odd friends too let's see what I've got. There's Mel, Missy, Maheeha (it's a long story), MellyDell, Melandrea (sounds like disease doesn't it?), Melana,and Ablublubblub, Mel#1, Scimitar Sister, Sister Teradactyl, Mrs. Depp, Mrs. Boyd, Hey you, and Stupid Stupid Girl. It's all really strange, basically I'll just respond to anything even my friend's names. (: How bout the rest of you?

Well, in college people called me Lynnie Pooh. My name isn't really "nicknamable". Someone in high school called me Lynnard. I really can't think of anymore....it's the dementia...;)

Oh yeah, I forgot to add in one of my nicknames. Ok, I know this is going to sound really stupid, but my friend and I (twilight-Destiny) call each other John and Robby. We used to fight about who was more like who, but we've come to realize that she's soooooooo much more like Robby and I'm just like John, so that's that. So yes, she is Robby and I am John.

hahahahaha thats so awesome!!! hmmm they call me billy>>its weird i know it all started when i started talking to this guy i met at the beach and hes like a really good friend of mine now hes 21 ne way he has a very possesive girlfriend and if she knew he talked to me she would get all suspicious and all angry like so he calls me billy when shes around hehehe then i started buying shoes from a brand call i love billy they have awesome shoes so ne way the name sorta stuck and now im billy..its kinda cool lol hmmm i'd love my nickname to be May i love that song its so i dunno it just makes u feel all happy and bubbly and smiley when he says what you feel is what you are and what u are is beautiful.. oh may hmmm anyway i feel bad having casual converstion on this photo it doesn't feel right its so sad

oh gosh i totally didn't relise all the other comments there woops lol missy ur a johnny depp fan hey? i was like in love with him ask me almost anything bout him i can tell yah the answer lol but im completely over him now i can't even think why i would have liked him in the first place any more hmm yah just get that i guess but i been a goo fan basically my whole life except the only difference is im old enough now to really appreciate them and everything they are *sigh* lol but yeah so i don't think i'll get over these guys ever they change lives and there cool factor is right off the scale hehehehe but yeah lol i love some of ur nicknames hehehe im the same as u indymom my name is not nicknamable at all i mean its the same spelt backwards i don't even have a middle name so i have to improvise lol oh angela that sux about u boy dilemmas really it does just know u can come and talk to us anytime about anything :D same for everyone here we are basically like one big family if yah think about it one big goo family lol and the john mike and robby etc are like the protective big brothers lol but seriously about this guy would it be bad or would something bad happen if u told him how yah feel maybe he likes u coz u said hes like a prick to u sometimes maybe hes using the "treat em mean keep em keen" technique by the way watever guy invented that is an idiot it does not work but hmm it'll work out for yah one day :D wow this is very long i'll blog u guys later c ya shouts and hugs to all my goo buddies have a really awesome day tomorrow bye bye

The 2008 Presidential election can't come soon enough.

I live on the Gulf Coast, Katrina was not pretty. About 4 hours away from the big easy, to the east. I remember watching the news and almost wanting to cry. Even some of the local news stations played the footage with "Better Days". New Orleans is a cultural meca, I love the city. I think that it was really cool what the guys did. (Plus it is good PR for them) I wish I could have seen them play to a packed house outside the dome, but I know they rocked it. Guys have fun across the pond.

When I started working here, a friend of mine started calling me Barbie Doll. In my whole life, no one had ever called me Barbie, but that's how everyone knows me now. And those really close to me call me BarbieGoo...I do believe the WHOLE company knows of my 'love affair' with the Goo Goo Dolls...Ummm...one of the sales people calls me BD...I call him PITA (Pain in the Ass..he loves it!) Crazy day in the freight business today. People are sooooo crabby! One guy called in swearing at one of my Customer Care people. Obviously he has a sucky life and wants to take it out on people. I hate that. But we live with it...put a smile on our faces and remind ourselves if we didn't have the customers, good and bad, we wouldn't have jobs. I just tell my people when they've just gotten off the phone with a customer and kissed their butts to apply the lip balm I gave to each of them when I started managing them :) Did anyone hear about the supposed thousands of pre-fab homes that the government purchased for the hurricane victims that are still sitting vacant??? I was listening to Michael Savage on the way home last night(he's an ass, but he speaks his mind and doesn't care what other people think so I respect him for that). Anyway, he was talking about it and I was so heartbroken. I will try and get on his site and see if he's got anything about that on there, will follow up if I do find anything. Just was wondering if anyone else had heard that? Things like that don't usually end up in main stream media...you know?
Barbie (Barbie Doll, BD, BarbieGOO)

Oh...thank you Missy-It was so nice to share-even though my experiences were smaller compared to so many others. It was nice to have read here everyone's experiences & opinions. And, to see the Goo fans have such good & sweet hearts. And, like you said Missy-these Guys are the Greatest! Thanks for letting me share.


I live in La. and I have a lot to say about this but I don't think most of you would want to hear it. The big government is not to blame here, that my friends lies on our good old La. politicians. And I saw such good and such bad from people. The past year has been an emotional roller coaster for our state. As far as the Super Dome, it is my understanding that our state loses money on it every year and that it is just a matter of time before the Saints leave La. Time will tell on this one. And yes, New Orleans housed 25% of the population of our entire state. And you know how many of them were and still are displaced. We need the tourists back in La. and we need the residents too! Without that tourist money and the tax money our state is in bad shape.....

Just my two cents.

not good

  • This is horrible, it's just so heart wrenching to see things like this. I think that it was good to rebuilad the Superdome, God knows how many people's lives were saved because of that one structure. I don't think that there are many people in New Orleans who would agree to having it torn down. For almost a year hundreds of families and children were kept alive because of it. There is not to mention the money that comes from the ticket sales, the announcers said that ALL of the season tickets have been sold, that alone will be able to do so much. Also the players like Reggie Bush, and Warrick Dunn for the Falcons, have been very involved, not to mention what all the great organizations and people like barbie54114 and her coworkers, and our very own GGD are doing what they can to help. Still it cannot be denied that there is so much more that needs to be done, and gooangela's right, the poor were hit the worst they had near nothing to begin with and trying to get them back on their feet will be extremely difficult. Nothing will ever be the same but at least the people of New Orleans have something to believe in, most feel betrayed by the government, some most likely by God, but maybe this team can help bring back some unity and a sense of pride that has been lost since Katrina, maybe ti will work or maybe it won't but it would be wrong not to give it a shot.

  • Well I don't have much to contribute to the soapbox idea, but all I can say this........ DAMN barbie54114! What you said was absolutely amazing. It's so appalling to see how people complain about a bad day and don't take the time to think about the fact that they are blessed. I am a complainer about bad days, definitely. I'm always complaining about what a bad time I'm having at school or about all the shit I go through with my mom, but I don't think about the fact that I actually have the chance to be getting an education and that I actually have a mom. That's our instincts though, to complain. When we have a bad day we always run to the people that will listen to us complain. I mean don't get me wrong, when my friends are having a hard time I still want to hear about it no matter what, but the majority of people don't take the time to count their blessings.
    Now I'm sure NONE of what I just said made any sense, but it had a little bit of a point.

  • Since we're all on the soapbox, I just want to add a little bit more. I work for a small trucking company in Michigans UP...Our company spearheaded a campaign last year to get relieve supplies to the victims of Katrina. For weeks the good people of the UP donated supplies from water to clothing to tools and machinery to help in the clean up. We picked up freight from schools, businesses, banks, etc., all donated by people...individuals who made a difference. For weeks we hauled trailers to Mississippi. What you need to know is we are a local carrier, only deliver the midwest. But we had drivers willing to donate their time and time away from their families to do this. We did the same thing for 9/11. A company right here in Iron Mountain, Michigan painted a trailer for the specific use of hauling those supplies to Ground Zero. Two of our own drivers had the opportunity to drive that tractor trailer right down to Ground Zero. We have the most amazing and heart wrenching photos of these guys with the fire fighters who were taking part in the clean up. One of our drivers came back and did a newspaper article, said it was obviously a life changing experience. We have the article and pictures from their experience hanging in our lobby. I read it once in awhile and it still brings tears to my eyes. Where i'm going with this it twofold. One, we need to be so very thankful for what we have, for our loved ones, remember our lives can very well be turned around in a split second. I myself whined in a previous blog entry about having a shitty day, fought with my husband about a gallon of milk, got mad at my son for getting a bad grade. I have to reprimand myself for not being thankful that I have a son (actually 2 sons and 2 daughters) and a husband who loves me. And secondly, and again, we can all make a difference. It may not seem alot, that $20.00 you can afford to donate to the Red Cross, that pint of blood that we can give, that box of clothes that your kids grew out of, whatever. That one little thing will go towards making someone think they were just given a million dollars. I could go on, but I need to leave now, go watch my son, with his D- in Math, play football, then go watch my daughter play volleyball. Yeah, I will have put in a 15 hour day and won't walk in my door until about 9:30 tonight, but I will walk in my door to my messy house and be thankful that I have a roof over my head and my family there with me. I'm jumping off the soapbox now....next?

  • Hey -- I see your points & all well spoken. I'm so glad "our guys" were there for this event -all I can say is what the commentators were saying on the pre-game show & hope that this is a start of things to come to fixing up the city & helping the people there. $185 million to fix up the dome or tear it down? Although,I know, that sounds
    NUTS-$185mil & fix the Dome?, rather than concentrate on the people who need it 1st & foremost! But, they did put thought into this-because before I even saw these clips last night of them fixing it & some guys from the Saints talking, donating their time & others donating time & money-it made me think a little differently.
    The presense of this event last night on the pre-game show spoke alot of asking people to continue to donate & help- flashing pictures of the damage & well most importantly"talking" about it-making this event a "reason to".
    I agree that it's long overdue, but the points some of you guys made here were so true. Alot of people have been displaced & don't have the money to fix up what the hurricane destroyed. The insurance companies are dragging their feet & some are flat out telling these poor people -"it's just not covered, sorry". It's all really so sad.
    Tickets that the lower & middle class people can't afford & that middleclass people are becoming extinct-yeah, I hear you & it's becoming more & more true each passing day...
    That's what makes us all feel so strongly about what "our guys" did last night - they held a "free concert" so those who couldn't afford a ticket, could still come down & enjoy this event-the guys see & so do most of us.
    You know,I keep having what John had said & what was carved on the trees in their video,"Better Days":
    Have:Faith, Hope, Truth.
    That's what we need to hold onto & to help. Even if it's a little -like a donation or doing whatever we can to help will go a long way.
    Let our voices be heard, like liking a band that lends their voice out -& we can too- so stay on those soapboxes!
    But, I'm real glad that at least something's being done-that www.musicrising.com & the red cross, etc..I sent 2 huge boxes that people from our co. brought in stuff & sent it down there, diapers & wet wipes, canned foods....
    Something...whatever, if even a little, helps... but I hope & pray, like all of you.. it continues, that we stay pointed in a"better direction" -just a chanch that we'll find Better Days.

  • Remember there are always valid reasons for everything that happens that we are all unaware of. We could never grasp the whole scope of desctruction the city of New Orleans has had to live with over the past year. As an individual, we could never fix what has happened or even begin to make it better. We can only do our small part, even if it's donating money to be used to help in the clean up. It took a long time to build New Orleans, it's going to take a long time to clean it up and get it back to the great city it was. The very best we can all do is pray that God will move those people who are in control to make the right decisions for the people of New Orleans. We can't be ashamed to be Americans. We live in the greatest country in the world. Do your part, vote in November, pray to our God and most of all, thank Him for what He has given all of us. God Bless you all. Barbie

  • wow!!!!

  • babsil30--you make a good point too, about tourism as well as a lot of the things that need to be removed are personal property. Also, I guess a lot of people are still waiting on insurance coverage etc to pay. Also, there are probably quite a few who have relocated for good and aren't coming back, so the LA govt. can't find them to get their permission to remove their personal stuff. We can always still send money, bleach, and other items down there. That is what we can do to help. Keep donations coming to the Red Cross and other agencies. See ya'll later!

  • That's not even the half of it......I have family in LA. and I went there to see how they were, cause I didn't know how close they were to New orleans, but after finding them we went to New Orleans and looked around and tried to help as much as we could.....and it was just heart breaking....trust me...what you see in this picture is was the worst of it!!!!

  • I am more awake now - the words still escape me. I wonder how Tara is holding up going back through this. This shit makes me so angry and I don't want to get into the political bull here, but why is it that we can take care of every other effing country and we can't help our own people?? Makes you think doesn't it. It's painful still seeing the aftermath.

  • that sucks!!!

  • holy shit!

  • Oh my, this is so depressing. I agree with you 100% indymom. It's so ridiculous and pathetic that they'll spend what was it.....? 185 million dollars to fix up the stadium, but they don't spend the money FIRST on fixing their city??? It's so stupid that only some of the middle class can get into the stadium and the upper class can get in. What about the lower class? I'm not trying to be mean, but who do you think suffered the most? I wish I could go down there and do something, but I can't. I think about what happened in New Orleans almost every day and it still makes me very sad. So many people don't realized the devastation of the hurricane. The hurricane was just as devastating and just as sad as 9/11, but so many people don't realize that because the hurricane wasn't a group of terrorists. All of it just makes me mad. Ok, now I'm going off my soapbox.

  • I can agree to a certain point that the dome remodeling wasn't necessarily high priority compared to those that don't have a place to live. HOWEVER... New Orleans is a city that depends on tourism. That tourisim provides businesses that can now open, and because they are open, they can now hire people, and because they can now hire people, they can rebuild their homes. Please keep in mind that a lot of the devastation you're looking at yes, is horrible. Yet, these are personal items that can NOT be removed without the owners permission. They are trying to locate the people to the best of their ability, but if the city were to just throw these items away, you know SOMEONE would have huge issues with that. Yes, it needs to be cleaned up, I agree. Look how long it took NYC to clean up though and that was FAR less square footage compared to what was destroyed in New Orleans. (Hope I didn't offend anyone, I used to live there, so I feel an attachement to the city and those working VERY hard to right the wrong)

  • Very good point Indymom.
    I heard today some children still don't have schools to attend. And many hospitals still have not reopened.
    What worries me most is if there will even be a middle class in the future!!!
    It seems the gulf between the haves and the have nots is getting wider everyday!!!

  • This is HEARTBREAKING and I don't know how Johnny kept it together yesterday singing "Better Days" after seeing all of this. I know of the Habitat for Humanity, and National Trust for Historic Preservation foundations. They both have websites and will tell you how you may help! I'm a member of both groups. The monies are there to rebuild but the logistics is what is still holding up the progress there. There are zoning issues, municipal considerations about the infrastructure which need to be addressed and if any of you were ever on a committee of any kind, you know how red tape is, geez, just look at our government in action-it takes them 4ever to pass legistlation and what not. So do what you can to help and pray alot. Seriously!

  • Isn't that sad?? Probably left bodies buried under things while the big wigs built their precious money makin dome instead

  • Excellent point, Indymom. Very well worded.

  • We watched the game last night. We (my hubby and I) were commenting that the city was able to get the dome all fixed up, but the majority of the people that still need the help can't even afford the tix to the game. I don't know what the financial situation is like in New Orleans, but it seems pretty pathetic to me to be able to spend millions of dollars to fix up a stadium that still only the "privledged" few can get into. I live in Indy and it is the same here, Colts tix are too expensive for the middle class and lower--but the city can spend tons of money (and increase taxes--which affects everybody) to pay for a new stadium that not everyone will be able to enjoy. Hope all that made sense....and now I am stepping down off of my soapbox.
    Love ya'll--

  • I'm embarrassed! Why does it have to be this way? We sent aid to the people of indonesia within HOURS of the tsunami, let's think about that! It should not be this way in the USA

  • This is just too pathetic to be in America.

  • Its still hard to believe after a year New Orleans its like this

  • I find it so difficult to comprehend that a year later, this is still common place.
    How can we help?
    If anybody has some answers please enlighten the rest of us!!!!