Submitted by Goo Goo Dolls on

Good night to all my hilarious Goo Sisters! You're probably already asleep. 2394 I hope that you're sleep has come back to you. Happy dreaming!

Hahahaha!!! I love to be the one to start the next day's comments! Yep, it's almost 5:30 here. I woke up around 5:00 and then all of the lights and bells from the train station kept me up. Ugh.......I have to catch the train at 6:40 every morning and it's hard to do that sometimes. Other than the bells and lights from the train station, my morning has been great! I logged onto myspace before I came here and read Robby's blog...... I saw that his blog was posted at 11:49 PM and I was like, "Dang, why is he up that late?" But then I remembered that it was 11:49 PM Los Angeles time and that's like 8:00 or so in the UK. ANYWAY, not that any of you wanted to know about my time confusion..........
Ok, well I should probably head to the shower now.....my cat is being so freakin' annoying. She walks around the house ALL morning, meowing for NO reason!!!! Well, have a great day everybody and I'll talk to all of you when I get home. LOVE!

Ok, just to specify and help make myself NOT sound like even more of a weirdo....... in my comment #62, when I was talking about my time confusion, I meant to say that it was 8:00 or so IN THE MORNING** in the UK. Yeah..... so just some clearing up for ya! I'm too tired to be up this early!

Love it! I can't get fired either reecy for the same reason!

Good Morning all. Rise and shine this Wednesday morning. Hey, can I get some goo prayers my nephew is going to have surgery Thursday morning (football accident). That would mean so much too me. Thanks all I will blog you later when I get home. big gooey hugs...gg1

Hey JR - Love the hat! Oh yes, definately not to be forgotten, Happy Birthday Robby!!! Lisa

morning to all....gooangela, you are a HOOT!!!! googirl1, your nephew is in my prayers, and I hope all goes well!!! Blog you ladies later.

I will say tons of goo prayers for your nephew googirl1...Lots of luv BlueDust


Wed, 10/04/2006 - 06:27

this may be unpopular, but I don't like John in hats. I need to see his hair!
skmiller - your hubby sounds wonderful. congrats on the baby!


Wed, 10/04/2006 - 10:13

this may be unpopular, but I don't like John in hats. I need to see his hair!
skmiller - your hubby sounds wonderful. congrats on the baby!

the curse of the bendy legs returns

Amazin' pic!! You uys rocked on Saturday!!! xx

gogirl1 of your nephew defiantely has my prayers. What did he hurt? gooangela, you're so great, that would be fun to catch the train to school. I like trains. Well gotta check out the new pics, love to all!

Don't worry googirl, your nephew is in my prayers as well. I hope everything goes well. *crosses fingers*
Thanks girlintx and Missy, I like it that I make ya laugh!
Alright, well I'm not going to be here like at all tonight because I am soooooo wiped out because of all the excitement since Monday! I mean first I didn't get tickets and then I was going to get tickets, and then I wasn't going to get tickets and then I got tickets..... finally, $700 later! And then last night we were all hyper because we were all excited and it was just exciting and it's just been exciting........ Can you tell I'm tired????? I just ramble when I'm tired..... I'm going to go now, but I LOVE YOU LADIES!!!!!!!!

Thank you girls for your prayers it means so much! My nephew is 14 years old, he was injured at a footbal game Thursday. They thought it was sprained but it turned out be be fractured. So in order to correct it he has to go through a 2 hour surgery putting pins in his ankle. Hope you are all having a wonderful night. I am tired too gooangela it has to be the weather too aside from all of the excitement going around here. Seems alot calmer here today. Well I will talk to you girls later. Have a gooey night.... gg1

Have a good night Googirl1..I think I'm going to bed early...GOOD NIGHT GIRLS...I will blog you all soon..Luv ya BlueDust

night BlueDust...sweetdreams.....

I really like this picture!

Pretty sure this pic is from saratoga springs, amazing show guys, you've hooked another goo fan for life!!!!

aahh must have been right next to whoever took that!!AWSOME!

Hey Honey,

I'm loving that beanie of yours & I want it!

Hey, i was at that show, in Glasgow, it rocked!! thanks GGD's


  • Okay...the photographer of this photo is hired! Great shot!

  • WOO HOO....they are playing SLIDE on the radio!!!....oooopps wrong picture....my bad

  • Hey Guys,
    OTHER FANS & Bloggers please forgive me for posting this long ass message to the guys I sent it to their myspace page but had to put it here as well!! so sorry...
    I really never write to you or blog on your "official" website because I know you guys are WAY TOO BUSY to even look at all the stuff people write to you... But I'm just in the mood to finally do it this time. (I'm at home a lot now because I just had our second baby, so I've just been finally "catching up" with all my on-line "stuff to do".
    I have to tell that since Arpil when "Let Love In" came out, I bought it the 1st day and it really has been in my car ever since I hardly ever let it out of the player unless we ride in my hubby's truck and then we just put it in his player! WE LOVe IT !! I'm huge fan from way back in the day (A boy Named Goo)...& Now my hubby is too!! (And he is very picky about his music)...Well it also helps that we caught your AMAZING SHOW this year TWICE --- Sacramento & Phoenix---- LOVED THE PHOENIX show you guys kicked ass!! Had I not been preggo this summer I think I could have talked my hubby into letting me catch you guys in Europe for a couple or maybe like your last 2 shows on this tour.. We don't normally do "world tours" with our favorite bands, but something happened in Sacramento regarding your show THAT REALLY SUCKED---one of the local radio stations here in Sac said you guys were headlining (and we weven called that staion to confirm that and they said yes) so we showed up LATE like during Let Love In we were pulling in the parking lot and my eyes JUST WELLED UP WITH TEARS my hubby looked at me (knowing that you're one of my favs and we had been looking forward to your tour this year-and we were celebrating our 10 year anniversary that weekend too) he said oh my god is that them??? and we parked, ran up to the gates, ran to our seats (well as fast as a 7 month preggo woman could run) we came in and you guys just started playing "Give a Little Bit" and MY HEART WAS CRUSHED I knew that was the end--and you guys said than you and exited the stage and I JUST DIED!!! My hubby said don't worry we'll see them!!! I cried and just was like noway---I can't do a WORLD TOUR I'm 7 months pregnant---my heart was BROKEN!!! That was June 23rd or 24th I think--- well my hubby did surprise me a week & a 1/2 later (my birthday was coming up July 7th (7-7-71) (cool b-day huh) and he called me at work, asked me if I could fly (being so far along in the pregnancy?) that he had some work thing to do in Phoenix and so on... He TOTALLY surprised me with a trip to Phoenix TO CATCH YOU GUYS ON TIME THIS TIME!! The show WAS WAY BETTER THAN SAC---- WAY BETTER GGD fans in Phoenix don't you think (Johnny ---I thought you were hilarious when you mentioned "making the grave mistake of walking barefoot in the parking lot" we too did the same thing at our hotel room and CRAP if that ground didn't burn the shit out of our feet and that was at like 10am--- DAMN)?? I thought so everyone was standing, singing enjoying the GOOS at their best as ususal!! I wish I could see you guys doing your own (without the Counting Crows--- like you're doing now right)--- or JUST HEADLINING either way) last I saw you was with Bon Jovi like 5,6 years ago----I've loved you guys for so long and still do I just want to THANK YOU FOR YOUR AMAZING MUSIC keep it coming and the world tour too!!! We are done having kids (2's enough :-)) and will be ready to follow you guys to some cool places next time!! and John---your voice has always been awesome but NOW IT IS SOOOO........oh my God--I can't even put good descriptive words to it----just WOW!!!! You guys are beautiful!! & the things you guys believe in and stand for--- Thanks for INSPIRING so many---
    Forever a fan, Love, Sonya (in Sacramento)
    (ps-don't laugh at my space page I'm still trying to figure out how to get some GGD graphics going on it I'm a bit myspace retarded still...)
    ---- see you in Anaheim!! New Years EVe it will be the best one ever!!

  • Rockin' Europe huh guys? Saving the world one city at a time!

  • ooops forgot to even mention that I LOVE THIS PIC!! YOU GUYS ROCK--- Love You guys ---Sonya


  • I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS PIC! It's just so pretty! You guys look f'n hot as usual, and I like the hat John! Yay gooangela! I left a post at the John pic for ya.

  • Robby looks like he has an imaginary sling-shot or something! I love this picture! I can't wait until the NYE show!!! I got 4 tickets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They'll be here in about five days. BlueDust and googirl, did you ladies get tickets?

  • Gorgeous!!!

  • AWSOME.....looks like FUN.....wish I could be there.

  • GREAT Picture!!!
    You always look like you're having a blast!!!
    That's what I love about you guys.
    Can't wait to see you in Seattle!!!!
    only4her-great post, good to have you back!!!

  • That photo is just great...wish I was there...but I'll be seeing you guys in NY! Rock on, guys..you look like you are having a great time!
    Love to all....Sandee

  • Wonder what song they are playing?

  • You guys rock!!!! Keep up the good work...Hugs and Kisses BlueDust

  • you guys are rockin the UK!!!

  • Robby : Hey John.
    John : Yeah?
    Robby : Your hat's on crooked.
    John : It's supposed to be!
    Robby : Who do you think you are in that thing anyway? The Edge?
    John : No!
    Mike : Yeah, he's sort of like U2 but he's U1.
    Robby : That's a good one man!
    John : Hey guys.
    Mike and Robby : Yeah?
    John : Shut up and play!

  • Great photo. It's nice to have pictures on the blog that aren't blury.

    Keep up the good work!

  • thats a keeper!

  • Stellar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Good Times!!!!!

  • great pick
    and I am glad that I cant get fired since Im the boss

  • PS...I'm at work...that's why I would get fired...I always feel the need to explain...okay, back to work. Barbie

  • Just F'n beautiful...I could be first to comment on all of these but i'd get fired, so i'll leave some firsts for someone else. Rock on! Barbie