Submitted by Goo Goo Dolls on

Hello missy and 2394....not asleep....I've got a bit of insomnia!!!!

John is wearing Jeans... how unusual... I like it :D

Ya know, I just thought about it and it is unusual that John is wearing jeans.......
HI!!!! Yes, it's morning! It's 5:39. Anyway, yep girlintx, BlueDust I think is actually 6 years younger than John.... it was absolutely hilarious when BlueDust found out how old we were because she totally flipped out!!! Ok.... it just took me like fifty years to find the picture, but I found the picture where Missy and I told BlueDust how old we are and she flipped. Providing that the guys don't add any pictures before you read this, it's on page 30 and it's the picture of the drumb set that has a white piece of clothing on them. There should be 42 comments....... The part where BlueDust flipped out is #s 7-27. You should definitely read them!!!
Alright, well now I have to be going off to get ready for school. I hope you all slept great and have a great day.
Oh..... something to think about today...... have you ever realized that the guys came into all of our lives right when we needed something to believe in or right when we were having a major crisis of some sort in our lives????? Have you ever noticed that? It's like they are literally our saviors. Is that maybe why the GGD have such loyal fans???? That's soooooo amazing to me.

Ok, this is going to bug me. Girlintx, I feel like my directions of finding the picture in my comment #33 weren't clear enough. Ok, ya know how the moblog index has eight pictures in two rows.... four pictures on the top and four pictures on the bottom???? Ok, well the page where the picture is.......here I have an idea.....
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
Ok, that's how the pictures go when you're looking at one page, right? Ok, the picture I want you to look at is #7.
Did that help at all? It was going to bug me all day if you were reading my directions and it confused you......

Indymom - you are just too funny! U made this Buffalo mom laugh!!

Hello, indymom how are you doing?


Ok gooangela...I'll check em out....by the way gooangela, do you have a myspace? I was on Robbys Lobby and I think I saw a picture of you. Let me know, ok??

Hey gooangela...I saw those comments on that picture you were telling me about, it was too funny!!!

Right where the light should be- on the most deserving people in the entire world

lol. girlintx you read the comments on the drum set pic? Aren't they funny? Gooangela actually I did notice that the guys came in at crucial points in our lives. I honestly think it's fate. It's definately not just a coincidence that we all came to love this band. And yeah i believe that it is why they have such loyal fans. I know I've said it a million times but I just wish I could thank them for everything. Well I'll speak to ya all later! Much love!

Hi guys! I read the comments on that pic too....I'm way older than ALL of you!!! I'll be 38 next week....

Missy...I think we discussed this, but my daughter and you share the same birthday...but she will be 4....

Later, gators!

Hey indymom I am 37!

Ok if we're all spilling the beans on ages... I'm 37.
So, Indymom, do you share the same b-day as Mike? He, too will be turning 38.
Oh, and I, too, read those comments on the drum set pictures. I still forget how young gooangela and missy are! The GGD's are old enough to be your dads! JUST KIDDING!! I'm sure you two are going EEEWWWW! But if you figure it out, by the time you two are my age (in 21 years), John will be 62, Robby will be 63 and Mike will be 59. Oh, man, and I'll be 58:(
Skip that thought!
I'm living in the here and now!!!! And here and now the GGD's are awesome!!

Well since we all now how old you guys are, I guess I'll spill...*coughs* 30years old!!!

Excellent! Girlintx, you and I are almost the same age. I'll be 30 in January.

I'm 35 going on 36 in January....

Woo Hoo cagediva, so I'm only a year older than you. My sister is 32.....wow BlueDust I thought you were younger, like around the same age as gooangela, and missy!!!

lol. jmt928 you are so funny, I bet that the guys will still be hot when they're in the 60's. Sigh... it's 11:00 I probably won't talk to you all til tomorrow, much love to you completely awesome Goo Gals!

i was there just awsome!! my mate is the guy in yellow shirt. met rzeznik on the street :D hope you guys had fun in the Granite City!!!

Hey jmt98---if you see this...my bday is the 11th. Mike's is the 10th. I thought Mike was turning 39. I was born in '68, I thought Mike was born in '67?

gooangela and Missy are definately the "babies" (jk girls) :), They are young enough to be MY children...if I had them when I was 21 or 22 or something...

Later gals!!

OK, Got my new camera, it has 3x zoom, I will get that picture of Robby's feet in Seattle!!!!
My hubby thinks I'm going off the deep end, but that's ok
We've got second row, so I'll finally be able to get some great pictures!!!!

"ARRRRGGGG!!!" Are we talking about ages here!
I can hear that scream in my head from the coming attractions of a horror flick!
Okay-I mentioned I'm near the guys ages - & even a little older than Robby - I'm "Dun, Dun, Dun!" 43!!!! AWWWWWWWW!!!
So does that make me the oldest IM member here -okay tell me someone out there can beat me! Please!
Oh well - if not, no big deal -I'm a Big girl-I can handle it! WAAAAAAAA!!!!
Okay - I'm okay now-really!
Anyway, I can deal with it-cause I do look pretty good for my years -like the guys -I guess we've been lucky in that dept.!
But, time to go now...gotta take out my teeth & get to bed-it's 6pm!
Okay I'm kidding again!
Seriously-young or old(me being the latter) these guys have such a large fan base of all ages & we love you guys...not to mention our great sense of humor!!!
Love ya's!

Hey crzy4goo - go for it!
Sounds like you're counting down the days - you're gonna have a great time!!
Hope Robby stands still long enough for you to get a great shot of his feet!!

It's interesting to see how old all of us fans are - the guys sure do attract a wide range of fans. I'm 41 - exactly 3 months older than John. Sorry I couldn't beat you jadebach.

indymom, You are right! Mike was born in '67. For some odd reason I was thinking if he was born in '67 he'd be turning 38. I can't even get my age right. I actually thought I was turning 38 on my birthday this year, but I turned 37. To think I almost skipped a whole year ahead. OK now I'm completely confused in an unconfused way (which makes no sense, but that's me). Anyhow, I'm wishing you a happy birthday now just in case my confusion sets in again and I think it has already past when it's not till next week! It's late I need some sleep (obviously).
Later all...

ok the post said it's 9:23 pm. It's really 11:30 pm and I got up extremely early so really I'm tired. I know it's friday night, but those days of partying on Friday nights are so in the past for me... Yawn... Good night. Hope all the rest of you are having tons of fun this friday evening... Hope to hear about it from some of you tomorrow!

  • Hi girlintx! I dunno if you're still there, but BlueDust is not as old as me & gooangela I bleieve she's like 5 years younger than Johnny, right? So how are you?

  • Hello? Anybody here? Come out, come out, wherever you are!!!

  • Sweet

  • not bad....I was wondering...and you don't have to tell me...but are you as young as missy and gooangela??

  • Hey girlintx- doing okay.. How about you?

  • Hello 2394, and blueDust, gooangela, missy, how are you girls tonight.....oh and googirl1, who did I miss?

  • Thank you 2394 for your nice comment... I'm very excited I csn't wait until December...Any way have a good night I will blog you soon...Hugs BlueDust

  • Googirl1 see the girl next to the guy in the yellow shirts..That's me with my tongue hanging out...

  • Hey 2394 happy sleeping..Luv ya BlueDust

  • Hey BlueDust, googirl1, gooangela, Missy, girlintx, jmt928, sorry I missed lastnight. I was helping my friend do some cleaning. I am happy for all who got their tickets! I can't wait for mine to come in the mail. I think I am off soon as I am very tired and hope to sleep tonight. I love the new pictures!!

  • Hey gooangela...see that microphone on stage? That is going to be me at NYE.... dreaming happy thoughts again. sorry.. :)

  • See that guy in the yellow shirt in the crowd??? That's going to be me at the NYE show!!!

  • jadebach-
    YES I am going to take a picture of Robby's feet.
    I'm getting a new camera for the show!!!
    I swear if the camera police get me I will be pissed!!!
    I want to take pictures and actually get to post them.
    That's gonna be my goal!!

  • I so wish i were there. I love Robby's barefootness too! I have this pic of him from my concert where he's standing like a flamingo and you can see his bare feet. My 5yr old sis thought it was the funniest thing when I showed her the pics. Rock on guys!

  • Wow!! What a great crowd......

  • only4her-good one! And, you're right-I didn't notice that till now - the whole left side of the front row does have their arms crossed?!
    I think they're actually leaning on a barrier pole in front of them-now that I took a closer look - but, you don't notice it at first -funny!
    crzy4goo-are you really gonna take a picture of Robby's feet?! You're so funny - I love it! Robby we do love the bare feet - don't ever go back to wearing shoes again on-stage!
    Did Robby always perform barefoot - I'm not sure he always did this years back?! Anybody know?

  • The European venues look rather small and cozy in comparison to the US venues. I like 'em. Can I go to Europe, please.

  • jadebach-
    You're right about the feet!!
    I love being barefoot-I'm gonna take of picture of Robby's feet, that will be a stitch!!!

  • Robby : Hey Mike.
    Mike : Yeah? Do you think they can see me now?
    Mike : I think so.
    Robby : What about now?
    Mike : Yep! I can also see John's underwear.
    Robby : Hey, me too!
    Mike : You know what would be cool?
    Robby : If I gave him a wedgie?
    Mike : Yeah!
    John : You touch me and you're dead!
    Robby : I won't do it as long as you say, "Simon says unfold your arms."
    John : What?
    Robby : The whole front row has their arms crossed and it's freaking me out!
    John : Wow! What's with that?
    Mike : Yeah!
    John : Simon says, unfold your arms!
    Robby : Damn, it didn't work!
    Mike : Throw them some food. That usually works for me.
    But not mine!
    Robby : Hey Andy, toss some PEZ at the arm folders.
    Andy : Sure thing!
    John : Man, that was close! I was about to freak out too!
    Mike : Yeah!

  • What is it about Robby's bare feet?!
    Guess it's comfortable & he likes the look!
    It does sort of add to his personality!

  • Wow! crzy4goo!
    That is so cool!-2nd row!!
    That's how close I'd like to get someday - the closest I got to see them (not including the signing), but, in concert was the 12th row & was "way to off" to the side-so, not too good. Oh well.
    But, 2nd row! You're gonna have a great time!
    That close you're gonna get to see Robby's feet up-close!!

  • OMG, what a cool picture!!!
    Got second row for Seattle
    cannot wait!!!!

  • Yes indymom...I meant if I were onstage!!! Sorry.....and if John is wearing shoes, they don't look like the ones he always wears!!!

  • It's hard for me to tell, I'm not wearing my glasses. They are the same color as Robby's feet....probably shoes....

  • Looks like shoes to me. ?

  • John looks barefoot! Sorry...didn't mean to bring up his feet again.

  • Do you mean if you were up on stage? They probably can't see them that well, what with all the lights in their eyes. Maybe they are just imagining everyone in their underwear! That's an old stage fright trick....

  • WOW.....look at all those fans....I would freak, I'm shy and would get so nervous.