Submitted by Goo Goo Dolls on

Answer to the message posted by 1973 in date 12/06/2007: Hi! Pleased to meet you! I'm really excited, because I didn't think that someone could be interested to get in touch with me! And I thank you for this. It has been a great surprise! I agree with you when you say that Italy is a beautiful country, even if I'm not an impartial judge! Anyway, I feel very lucky to be born here. I'm from Imola (town in Emilia- Romagna, region of north Italy), especially known for the Formula 1 Grand-Prix. Founded in 82 B.C., was a Roman colony in ancient times called Forum Cornelii. Ernest Hemingway mentions Imola in "A farewell to arms" - Book Three: Chapter XXIX (erudite citation, isn't it?). But maybe the most interesting thing about my hometown for the GGD fans is that the band performed here in June 1999, at Ferrari Autodrome, during the Heineken Jammin' Festival. I couldn't believe it: the Goos in my home!!! What luck! I think it's unnecessary to tell that I was in the first row (not very bad, considering that I'm agoraphobic!)... The concert had a great charge of energy, and the thing that I prefer to remember is the sight of the smiles when the guys noticed someone who knew their songs. Even in Italy. What a satisfaction!
It's 6:15 a.m. here. I'll try to sleep an hour or two. Greetings to everyone who will read my existential frenzy. I hope to hear from you soon, 1973 (where are you from? I'd like to know something about you, now!) and from everyone who wants to know something about Italy, or the Goo Goo Dolls in Italy, or how to be a GGD supporter abroad (and try to survive...), or what you want! Ciao + sorry for the papyrus, next time I'll try to be concise, I swear!
P.S.: How/where can I send some pictures to IM? May I use the e-mail address? Let me know, please... Thanks!

ANGELA ANGELA HI --- SO Sorry to hear write me @ work sonya@patbairdacoustics.com ......WAHOO on the Clark Brothers!!! You should let them OPEN FOR NYE SHOW????!!! WAHOO on the Clark Brothers!!! You should let them OPEN FOR NYE SHOW????!!!
WAHOO on the Clark Brothers!!! You should let them OPEN FOR NYE SHOW????!!!


Hey skmiller, How are ya doing???? Heck YEAH!!!! I'll be there...I'm so jazzed...Hope to see you there...Goo Love

I so wish I could go to Vegas this year. The stupid Mandalay Bay has an age restriction for the HOB (because it's on NYE), so I can't go. STUPID!!!

I'm so sorrrrry Angela....Wish you could join us girls....I'll take plenty of pictures and e-mail them to you....
I have butterflies in my stomach right now...That's how excited I am....

2394 are you there???

You know I think we goo sister have lost touch with each other...Come on and lets party, but not until after the New year...
Girls remember BOOBIE KONG!!! HAIL BOOBIE KONG!!!!

2394, googirl1 I'll e-mail you after the New Year...

Hi BlueDust! Yes we need to get back in touch. I miss our blog parties. I also miss our Goo men. They need to come to my area soon!! I am suffering major Goo withdrawl :(

I want to wish my favorite guys a awesome newyear, wish i could have been at the concert oh well, maybe next time. love you vita

Well, I do hope that I'll be able to seem some pictures. I'm excited for everyone going. I wish I could ring in the new year with our guys again! Last year rocked!
Anyway, even if the venue wasn't age restricted, I still wouldn't be able to go. My mom and I are saving all our money because we're going on a road trip next year. We'll be going to Buffalo during that road trip. Maybe I'll be able to see the new studio. That would be fun!

Happy New "Goo" Year to all you Goober's out there!
Here's a little poem I wrote up -hope ya's like it!
It copies a popular one -(from what I can remember of it :)
it's dedicated to my 2 Goo-d Pals (You know who you are!;)
-who urged me to post it last year -but I chickened out...I wanted to fix it up -but a year went by so quick anyway,
to all my goopals on the IM -it's been a fun goo year on here & hope we all have the best Goo Years yet to come!!!
Okay, enough of my blabbering -so here it is...

T’was the night before the concert,
and all thru the halls
were the sounds of The Goo Goo Dolls,
bouncing off our walls!
And, you in your "Let Love In" tank top,
and, I in my "Goo" cap
had jumped into our wheels,
and anxiously traveled across the map!
Our anticipation grew,
with each mile we had sped,
while visions of John, Robby & Mike,
danced through our heads!
We arrived very safely, fans scattered all about
as I squirmed with excitement,
in spite of myself!
The venue was filled,
every Goo-fan in sight
my heart was still pounding,
'cause I knew we were seeing
"our guys" tonight!
And, up on the stage,
there had arose such a clatter
as, I sprung to my feet,
to see what was the matter
I could hear all the IM members,
Screams, howls & chatters
as the lights grew dim,
and the sounds grew louder!
And, what to my wondrous eyes did appear,
Were, "our guys" –John, Robby & Mike
right there; so near!
There was Korel & Brad,
and all looking so hot,
that I could barely contain myself,
from jumping the stage,
right there on the spot!
They sang & they played,
and, as always,
gave a great show
but, then a little bit of sadness
rushed over me,
as I knew it would soon be time for all of us to go...
Then, Johnny looked over at Robby & Mike,
and, thanked us all for coming tonight
And, then they sang: "Give a Little Bit",
as their final song,
and, off the stage they went,
as they waved us; so long
And, as the lights turned on bright,
and, the guys were no longer in sight-
Thank you John, Robby & Mike,
for you just gave us,
one hell’ava night!!!

"And as I'm sure my wish,
is everyone's here,
to let the guys know –we appreciate them so dear,
And, as long as we continue
to get our "Goo!"
we'll be happy & content,
the whole year thru!"

"Happy Goo Year to all...& to all a Goo-night!"

Happy new year jrajiris, ang to all the goo fans worldwide!

Thanks for your reply, I would love to one day have the opportunity to travel to Italy, as my grandparents were married there.( Casamasima)I apologize if the spelling is incorrect!
I am from Canada's capital....Ottawa, and like 2394, I too cannot wait for the Goos to tour Ontario.

Happ New Year to all! if i'm not mistaken that is John's fine ass in the background, that has made my day!!!

  • I think people get what John's saying. You can tell that some of the bands have taken his advice. The ones who haven't are the ones that aren't there anymore. I think all three judges offer a lot of good advice.

  • Its too bad that most people don't get what John is saying....every word he says makes so much sense! He's been there, done all that and he knows!

  • What a way to end the show!!! Can't wait , here's hoping the Clark Brothers take the win, ever since they added the 2 other band members they rock!

  • Yeah, I checked that out. I'm excited to watch tomorrow night. That'll be fun!

  • Yes, it was in Robby's blog.

  • ^^^^^^^^That rocks!!!!! I've been saying to my mom for, like, 5 weeks now that I think the Goos should do a performance on there. I just think that would be really cool.

  • I think it was stated in Robby's blog.

  • They're performing on the NGAB?? How do we know this?

  • woah..this is kinda cool :)
    love it haha

  • WOO HOO! They're gonna perform on NGAB!

  • LOL! That's kind of a spooky post, Sue. Haha!
    Hi. . .

  • finally!

  • Hi Angela...

  • This is an interesting picture. . . . . Pretty cool, though!

    I just have to say this for Lisa (beibigoo). . . . . CONGRATULATIONS ON THE M&G!!!!!!!!!! I was so happy to see that you won!!!!!

  • Hmmm...can't tell who's in the picture.
    But I'm first comment!