Submitted by Goo Goo Dolls on

I'm sorry to hear that about you BlueDust....and your mom Missy....take care both of you!!!

BlueDust you are so great. I wish I could tell my mom that but sadly we aren't that close, I mean I love her, but we're not the cliche mother daughter people. I know that she's disappointed in me just because of stuff. But thank you BlueDust for your advice, and actually my mom can't exercise because of the accident, it really messed up her foot. If I don't talk to you later then have a good night. It's only 9 right now so hopefully you're still on!

Sorry for the brain fart Missy I meant to say "writing my feeling down has helped me through rough times"...

Thank you for your kind words girlintx...Missy I'm sorry your not close with your mom...May be in time you both will grow close...I'm close with my mom, but it could be very smoothing at times..I love my mom too,any way enough about talking about our moms...How are you doing?

lol. BlueDust I forgot to tell you that my incredibly blindingly blond friend Johana was suffering from major brain farts and she didn't know what to call them, so I told her that you call them brainfarts and she loved it, she thought it was the funniest thing, she has started saying it all the time. I just thought I would share that with you. (:

Posting at the same time again... NEwayz I'm good. The Elton John concert was amazing! Not as amazing as seeing our Goos of course, but awesome nonetheless. He played from like 8:15 to 10:45 straight! What I would give to be able to play like him. Today I went to an A's game w/ my dad and bro, it was good, they won. It's been a busy weekend, but fun. So how are things down in SoCal?

That's too funny Missy..I think I started a trend, well my friend Amy started actually..You can thank her for getting me to say those lovly words...

Hey BlueDust I think you did start a trend. And do say thanks to your friend Amy, for me. It's fun to hear her call them brainfarts because she like giggles after she says it. Like I sadi she is REALLY blond, I mean in mind and in hair color. Her hair is only 2nd to the sun in brightness and she is sooo ditsy. But I love her to death for it.

How are things in so. California? well thing are not too bad...Work is okay can't complain to much....Wish I would just win the Lotto so I could pay for my education in cash and buy a house...A girl could dream..Right? Any way I have to finish My homework..It was nice bloging you..Have a great night...Blog you tomorrow...Luv ya BlueDust

Well we all wish we could win the Lotto BlueDust. Hell, I wish I were old enough to play! lol. Well good night and good luck on the homework. I've got some that I put off, so hasta manana! Much love to you and yours!

I just wanted to say hello to all of you lovly ladies "HELLOOOOOO"...Anyway I will blog you girls when I get back from the gym tonight..Hoepfully you'll have reached 400 on the Boobie Kong's page...Luv ya Bluedust...

HA!!! I almost called myself Boobie Kong as I was typing my username..HAHHAHAHAH!!! Bye for now

Hey girls. BlueDust, the lottery sound pretty perfect at the moment. I'm hoping to get a car to drive (not mine, but a "family car" that would be for my use)soon. I'd absolutely LOVE a volvo S-60 R to drive around. What better to do with money than pay cash for a car? (okay, okay. Education too. But a car is my best idea)Hmm...my sister just got back from my grandmother's house. My aunt picked her up from school and took her down there. I haven't seen my aunt in HOW LONG?! God, my sister's "sick" (she's got a stupid rash!) so she gets all the special treatment from everyone who knows us. I hate feeling insignifigant. I feel like Jan in the Brady Bunch.

Ok Dest you aren't like Jan in the Brady Bunch, you're just not. I won't get into things with you and your family on here (for the most part you know how I feel), but I'll be sure to call you later.
Anyway ladies, HI! Missy I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to your mom. BlueDust what happened to you is very upsetting as well. I'm so sorry for both of you that you had to experience that. Well I mean I'm sorry for your mom Missy and I'm sorry you had to watch her go through something like that. My mom has a bad knee. She was playing softball about 16 years ago. She was second baseman and this guy came sliding into the plate right as my mom was jumping up to catch the ball, and while she was coming back down, guy's head hit her leg and completely twisted and shattered her knee. Of course her knee hasn't been the same since and she has some trouble walking still, but I guess it's not too bad. She will have to have a whole knee replacement though :(.
Well once again Missy and BlueDust, I'm sorry. Thanks for your support Missy. I have to go now, but I love all of you ladies!

Hey Twilight, there were too many Brady's for me to remember but I'm sure you're not like Jan. So you can drive? I am so totally envious! I won't take Driver's Ed til X-Mas break and when I get a car I have to pay for my own insurance so that'll kinda suck, but I don't think I'll mind working. Volvos are pretty cool, but I want a VW BEetle preferably blue, but beggars can't be choosers I guess. As long as it has a 5 cd changer I don't care what it is. (: I'm sorry bout your sister and the special treatment, my 5yr old hal sis is soooo spoiled, it's not fair, but she's cute sometimes. Thanks gooangela or the kind words. Much love!

Robbie look away from the PEZ; I think that 1400 is enough....way more than enough.


Thu, 04/16/2009 - 22:49

i own those!!! i got them for christmas in 07!


  • Damn wsunicole06, Robby just told us yesterday that he was in excellent health, but that damn PEZ addiction is something the doc just couldn't diagnose I guess............. Oh man, I just absolutely love Robby to death! He's just like a little kid except married. I mean he's addicted/obsessed with PEZ, loves Tab, and just a whole bunch of other stuff combined with his total and complete cuteness!!!!!!!

  • Well I must comment, since I Hello Kitty was my first obsession, and the Goo Goo Dolls run a close second. I have never seen this collection, they Hello Kitty Pez dispensers that are part of my collection came from Japan. Too Cool. Love you GOOS!!!!

  • Ooooh I just bought one of those pex sets in San Antonio at the Hello Kitty store!!! Great to see Robby has checked them out as well :)

  • Robby must get weird looks from people who see him buying Hello Kitty PEZ.

  • Yummy!

  • cool

  • Aww how precious you must look walking with your little pink lunchbox of pez,,,do you wear your hair in pigtails to match?

  • My daughter would love that too! How cute is that?

  • I have one of those! I love Hello Kitty :)

  • Wow!!! Robby you are a pezoholic...That's cool man..Love the pictures..Hug and Kisses BlueDust

  • There's that Pez radar again!

  • OMG I received a Hello Kitty Pez as a birthday gift on Wednesday!!!

  • I seen some Nascar collectible PEZ last week ;)

  • pink pez :)

  • OH NO! everybody dunk robby's diving for the pez!!!

  • hello Kitty Pez! My daughter would love this for her collection!

  • uh oh... Robbie has died and gone to heaven!